School of Block Newsletter, November 27th
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back! This is the second School of Block newsletter. Every week, we include content that is worth your while and news about what in happing in the blockchain space. We hope you enjoy it!
Public blockchains have had the hope of moving away from proof of work for years now. Every year, they say that proof of stake is right around the corner. Unfortunately, it has proved much more complicated than anyone anticipated; so much so, that Ethereum came up with a comprimise solution called ProgPOW (Progressive Proof of Work). How does it work?
The Hyperledger project is taking blockchain identity solutions seriously. In the last two years, they have released three projects in the space. Hyperledger Aries is their latest one. Read more about it here:
In case you had any question about the usefulness of blockchain technologies: yes, blockchain is being used effectively in all types of businesses, all over the world. Blockchain payment systems have been proven to be particulary effective. Take Ripple for example:
Several people spoke about making the United States "the friendliest, most hospitable country to blockchain" at Demo Day on the Hill.
The president of China has asked government leader to swear allegence on the blockchain, saying, "Blockchain should play a bigger role in strengthening Chinese power in cyberspace, developing the digital economy and promoting socio-economic development."
Don't forget to check out our latest video about blockchain identity solutions:
If you have any suggestions to make this newsletter better, we would love to hear the feedback. Please contact us at
Have a great week! School of Block Team