So it's come to this: a newsletter
My partner Niles has been bugging me to start a newsletter for a few years now. I’ve put it off, probably for silly reasons. But now it’s January of 2025, and I’m looking around at all the ways I used to keep in touch with people, and realizing: I just don’t enjoy them anymore. Twitter’s a viper pit full of nazis and bots, Insta serves me more ads than posts, and FB won’t stop trying to make reels happen.
I look at this media landscape and think, I miss blogs and bulletin boards! I miss my old webcomic.
“I Think You’re Sauceome” (named for a throwaway joke from an episode of Sealab 2021) was a webcomic I drew from 2010ish to 2015ish. For much of that period, I drew and uploaded a new comic every single day. It was autobio stuff, mostly about whatever I was doing or thinking that day. A lot of the comics ended up being about food. New recipes I was learning, ingredients I was working with, restaurants we were trying out.
Sauceome is almost certainly why I have the career I have right now. It’s where I first started drawing the meals I ate, leading to commercial illustration gigs at local restaurants. It’s also where I started experimenting with recipes in a comic book format. If it weren’t for Sauceome, I wouldn’t be drawing comic book cookbooks today.
I stopped updating “I Think You’re Sauceome” as I started getting more time-consuming freelance work. I kept the site up for a few years, but eventually a bunch of the Wordpress plugins were outdated and the site was too much of a hassle to maintain. I still have all the files, though, and all my old Sauceome sketchbooks. It was such a good thing while it lasted! It was never super popular, but it was a dedicated home for comics I wanted to make, and for a small and happy audience who wanted to see it. I didn’t care about ads or monetizing it, and I wasn’t “creating content” for anyone but myself. I miss that.
I don’t want to have to build and maintain a webcomic site again, but a newsletter feels like a decent alternative. I’m not entirely sure what this space will end up being! I’ll definitely use this to post updates on the new book I’m drawing (more on that later!), and to let people know if I’ll be appearing at shows or festivals. It’ll be a good home for any new comics I draw, and I’m not opposed to using it to show off embarrassing old comics from Sauceome, either. I’ll send it out once a week, and there will always be at least some art for you to shove in your eyeballs.
I can almost guarantee you’ll see some stupid cat photos here too.
Hope you’re having a great week! And remember: if you’re here, it’s because I Think You’re Sauceome.