What are you devoted to?
Hello hi how are you?
It’s September!?!?
This month has always felt like a new beginning for me, a remnant of the start of a new school year I suppose.
So I’m treating it like a fresh start. A new year. A new month. A new day.
I’m re-devoting myself to my creative practice, which I abandoned sometime last year.
I’m re-devoting myself to myself. Walking to a coffee shop every day. Feeling the slight shift in temperature and sun on my head and people watching and momentum!!!
Last night I setup a table and sold my art at the First Friday Art Walk. I didn’t sell much, which in some ways feels discouraging. But I keep reminding myself that’s not the point! I’m practicing keeping promises to myself. Showing up. Making art and putting it out into the world and trusting in the powers that be to take care of the rest.
What are you devoting (or re-devoting) yourself to?