Small projects → big impact
Hello friends,
I’m excited to report that the stickers I designed are available now on Kickstarter!
I made these five sticker designs for Kickstarter’s annual Make100 project, which encourages makers to launch a small project with the promise of 100 rewards. My goal for this one was only $100, enough to cover the cost of printing each design. This meant my chance of success was high, and it feels good to see it already reach the funding goal!
I love small projects. Small projects can make a big impact. They build momentum and confidence.
Do you have big dreams for your life? For 2021? Is there a way you can turn some of these big dreams into smaller, bite-size projects?
Recently, I wrote down my “Before I Die” checklist. Things I want to do in my life. Like a bucket list.
On this list, I include “Raise $100,000 for great causes.”
This small sticker project is the very first step toward that lofty goal. All of the proceeds above the $100 base goal will be donated to Casa Ruby, an LGBT center based in Washington D.C. How cool would it be to donate $200 or even $500 to this organization that provides assistance for LGBTQ immigrants transitioning into a new country?!
I want my life to involve making cool things and raising awareness of important social justice issues. That’s what this (tiny) sticker project is for. Maybe, if I’m lucky, it will grow into something much bigger.
Get your sticker for $5 on Kickstarter now!