I Love Small Projects! Announcing Bumper Stickers for Birdwatchers & Existentialists
Hello friends!
Just popping in for an exciting announcement: I’m launching a very small Kickstarter tomorrow!
You can follow this link to see the pre-launch page and click “Notify me on launch” to follow along!
These 5 sticker designs are the ones I’m launching tomorrow. You can back the project and snag one for your car or forehead!
In recent months I’ve designed a few bumper stickers and it’s time to share them with the world. This Kickstarter will help me cover the costs of the first print run. It also lets me know that you like my work and want to see more of it.
Making physical products like zines, stickers, and postcards is time-consuming. It involves shipping and fulfillment and keeping track of inventory. But I’ve always wanted to make and sell physical products as part of my creative practice. I like packaging up orders, adding a handwritten note, and connecting with y’all outside of this digital space.
Opening up an online shop featuring my designs and weird DIY projects has been on my “Before I Die List” for a while, and I’m excited to finally be making it happen in 2021. I’m going to take it slow and probably promote new designs on my Instagram. I’m not sure if I’ll open up an online storefront anytime soon, but I can promise that these stickers will be available after the Kickstarter is over, so no worries if you can’t back the project right now.
This Kickstarter is super small, I’m only trying to raise $100! Each sticker costs $5. If you back at the $25 level, you get all 5 stickers plus the stretch goal prints (if we reach the stretch goal numbers).
This is ONE of the stretch goal prints! If you back at the $25 level and the project reaches $200 in funding, you’ll get this print. Stay tuned tomorrow when I reveal the second one ;)
I’ll send another email tomorrow to announce when the project is live!
Thank you for your continued support by reading these emails. Writing them has become a favorite part of my week.