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An introduction to typeclass metaprogramming by Alexis King
Typeclass metaprogramming is a powerful technique available to Haskell programmers to automatically generate term-level code from static type information. It has been used to great effect in several popular Haskell libraries (such as the servant ecosystem), and it is the core mechanism used to implement generic programming via GHC generics. Despite this, remarkably little material exists that explains the technique, relegating it to folk knowledge known only to advanced Haskell programmers.
Modern data analysis with PostgreSQL – JSONB throws Window functions out the… by Thomas Richter
In this blog post I would like to take a look at a classical data layout paradigm and how transactional database features, such as fast UPDATEs and JSON/JSONB types, can make analytics easier.
Amazon Web Services In Plain English by Expedited Security
Hey, have you heard of the new AWS services: ContainerCache, ElastiCast and QR72? Of course not, I just made those up.
But with 50 plus opaquely named services, we decided that enough was enough and that some plain english descriptions were needed.