Welcome to my PinkLetter. A short, weekly, technology-agnostic, and pink newsletter where we cultivate timeless skills about web development.
When’s the last time you talked to your users?
Because you are having those conversation, right?
You should strive to build connections. Because that is what gives meaning to your code.
By the way, I’m still looking to connect with type 1 diabetic developers and I shared a thread about living with diabetes.
Patterns in confusing explanations by Julia Evans
So why do I find all these explanations so confusing? I decided to try and find out! I came up with a list of 13 patterns that make explanations hard for me to understand. For each pattern I’ll also explain what I like to do instead to avoid the issue.
The Importance of Not Over-Optimizing in Rust by Lily Mara
In this talk I will show that these optimizations are often unnecessary to get performance that beats highly dynamic languages like Python. For new Rust developers, breaking the temptation to over-optimize can lead to higher productivity and satisfaction with Rust.
(Riccardo: A good reminder not to over-optimize from the Rust community.)
JSON in PostgreSQL: How to do it Right by Laurenz Albe
The comprehensive JSON support in PostgreSQL is one of its best-loved features. Many people – particularly those with a stronger background in Javascript programming than in relational databases – use it extensively. However, my experience is that the vast majority of people don’t use it correctly. That causes problems and unhappiness in the long run.