When did your team run the last retro?
We had one last week. We appreciated one another, celebrated the goods, discussed the bads, and came up with a crisp list of actionables.
Every time I wrap up a retro, there’s only one thought in my head: “we should do this more often!”
For the last couple of years, I’ve been using this retro format, modulo some tweaks of my own—the perk of being the facilitator.
Good luck with your next retro!
What is a reduction and why Fibers are the answer for Ruby concurrency by Julik Live
In my view, for Ruby web apps to be viable concurrency is vastly more beneficial than parallelism. Ractors are, at this stage, problematic with most existing Ruby programs. The fiber scheduling system added to Ruby 3.x is going to be extremely important to the story of Ruby on the server (and of UIs, if that ever reemerges).
(Riccardo: Ractors, Fibers, GIL, Reductions. This post explains each of them and connects the dots. Give it a read even if Ruby is not your cup of tea.)
Automating my job by using GPT-3 to generate database-ready SQL to answer business questions by Brian Kane
I want to be able to describe a question in plain English and have GPT-3 convert it into the SQL code that, if executed on my Postgres database, would answer the question.
(Riccardo: Not sure if I’m more scared or excited.)
Two Million Years in Two Hours: A Conversation with Yuval Noah Harari by Center for Humane Technology
Yuval Noah Harari is one of the rare historians who can give us a two-million-year perspective on today’s headlines. In this wide-ranging conversation, Yuval explains how technology and democracy have evolved together over the course of human history, from Paleolithic tribes to city states to kingdoms to nation states.
So where do we go from here? “In almost all the conversations I have,” Yuval says, “we get stuck in dystopia and we never explore the no less problematic questions of what happens when we avoid dystopia.” We push beyond dystopia and consider the nearly unimaginable alternatives in this special episode of Your Undivided Attention.
(Riccardo: Let me take it back. I’m scared!)