I’ll close the PinkLetter survey soon. Please consider dedicating it a couple of minutes. It helps me craft a better newsletter for you and keeps me motivated.
Here’s your last chance to fill the PinkLetter Survey.
A couple of signals I picked up from your feedback are: “putting learned things into practice” and dealing “with more general topics.” This week’s article is a timid step in that direction.
What’s one simple trick of yours that yields an extraordinary amount of value?
I bet you cannot answer this question straight away. However, I’m sure I would pick several such tricks from you if we worked a few hours together.
I swear by Generativity (as opposed to productivity) and Livable Code. When a team manages to step up from individuals to an orchestra, amazing things happen.
What’s the secret? Enabling everybody to be at the top of their game. Here’s one trick I’ve deployed consistently with great success toward that goal:
The Simplest Most Powerful Trick–Verification Steps — Verification steps don’t come with a 100% save-ass guarantee, but the list of benefits is long, and it’s not limited to finding bugs.
Deep Questions with Cal Newport Ep. 39: DAVID EPSTEIN on Skills, Practice, and the Subtle Art of Cultivating a Meaningful Career by Cal Newport — (Riccardo: I’ll admit it, I’m a huge fan of Cal’s work, and this conversation got me quite excited.)
Falsehoods programmers believe about time zones by Zain Rizvi — I soon discovered just how wrong I was. One after another, I kept learning the falsehood of yet another “fact” that had seemed obviously true. (Riccardo: Just in case you needed an additional 20+ reasons to hate them. In my current project, there’s a ticket on the board titled “timezones.” I got through the article with tears in my eyes.)
End-to-End TypeScript: Database, Backend, API, and Frontend by Gary Bernhardt — (Riccardo: Type-driven development at its best. Also, it reminded me of the hundreds of any
s I found when I inherited the project I’m working on at the moment. And I cried some more.)
Before we say bye, please consider sharing some feedback via the PinkLetter Survey or replying to this email. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Thanks for spending some time reading with me. Talk to you soon.
Yours truly,