Welcome to my PinkLetter. A short, weekly, technology-agnostic, and pink newsletter where we cultivate timeless skills about web development.
I only drink whisky to keep healthy with diabetes. No worries, doc!
~me (to medical doctors)
You know, diabetes is easier to manage when you throw fewer variables at it. Sugar is a big one.
This is why I haven’t enjoyed beers for a long time—but the latest events got me in carpe diem mode and I kick asses with insulin.
So, yeah, I’m writing this email with the supervision of a glass of beer. Write drunk, edit drunk, right?
Kinda related to that, I started streaming my blood sugars to my Twitter profile banner.
Can you guess where are the beers?
How Designers Can Prevent User Errors by Jordan Bowman
The term “user error” implies that it’s the user’s fault when they do something wrong.
But in the vast majority of cases, the fault actually rests with the designer for having created an interface that is confusing or makes it too easy for the user to make a mistake.
(Riccardo: Substitute the word “designer” with “programmer” and go for it. We have a ton to learn from designers.)
The Story of Next.js by uidotdev
This is the story of how Next.js took over the world.
(Riccardo: From the creation of JS to Nextjs to understand what problems it solves.)
Building my first Remix app! by Sam Selikoff
Follow along as I build a simple tracking app for my workouts using Remix! We end up with a form to create new entries and a homepage to view them, and the whole thing gets deployed to Fly.io.
(Riccardo: A nice intro to a new cool framework competing with Nextjs.)