Welcome to my PinkLetter. A short, weekly, technology-agnostic, and pink newsletter where we cultivate timeless skills about web development.
Did you write code you dislike this week?
I sure did. I’ve added a new report to the application, and I know it could be simpler and faster.
I refactored over and over. With every iteration, it got better, but never to a point where I could lift my fingers from the keyboard.
I didn’t have a definition of done, so by definition, I could never finish.
A wise friend once told me that I should aim for 110%: do an exceptional job, but no more.
The report was supposed to substitute an old one, so I fired them up side by side: the new code is simpler and faster.
This was my 110%. Done.
Git’s Best And Most Unknown Feature by ThePrimeagen
HOW HAVE I NOT HEARD OF GIT WORK TREES??? WHAT THE EFF. They are so incredible. You have to check them out!!! In this video I go over them briefly, assuming you are smart enough to understand them, and also show you my workflow with vim! Its fantastic!
(Riccardo: You don’t need a bare repo to use git worktree
REST / HTTP methods: POST vs. PUT vs. PATCH by Michael Scharhag
In general we can say:
HTTP methods: Idempotency and Safety by Michael Scharhag
Idempotency and safety are properties of HTTP methods. The HTTP RFC defines these properties and tells us which HTTP methods are safe and idempotent. Server application should make sure to implement the safe and idempotent semantic correctly as clients might expect it.
(Riccardo: Useful context for the following article.)
HTTP SEARCH Method by Julian Reschke, Ashok Malhotra, James Snell
Many existing HTTP-based applications use the HTTP GET and POST methods in various ways to implement the functionality provided by SEARCH.
(Riccardo: Don’t get discouraged by the formality of the document. It’s an excellent read.)