“ Product Management defines and oversees the offerings of a firm.”
Here lies the problem. The expectation that design is critical for delivering product value simultaneously rose with the expanded role of Product Management to define said offering (and take credit for the success metric). In the best case, this is a functional compromise. We can blame ourselves as a discipline for not stepping into that role more aggressively (I know some tried). How I miss the old PMs (Project Managers) who were there to support design teams where they actually needed help.
“ Product Management defines and oversees the offerings of a firm.” Here lies the problem. The expectation that design is critical for delivering product value simultaneously rose with the expanded role of Product Management to define said offering (and take credit for the success metric). In the best case, this is a functional compromise. We can blame ourselves as a discipline for not stepping into that role more aggressively (I know some tried). How I miss the old PMs (Project Managers) who were there to support design teams where they actually needed help.