Old Internet People by Martha Henson
Issue #7: Internet generalists and reclaiming the internet
September 17, 2024
In which I start with a rather self-indulgent reminiscence/moan about being a generalist in a world of specialists and hopefully pull it back with a call for...
Issue #6: The AI arms race gives me hope and the two great webcomic eras
March 1, 2024
Welcome to another edition of this very infrequent combination of internet reminiscence, opinion and disparate links. Firstly webcomics, secondly some...
Issue #5: What did we do before the internet? Teletext! Also, I hate AI
November 4, 2023
Welcome to a few new recruits since my last edition of this very infrequent newsletter, in which I wished everyone a happy new year, which should give you...
Issue #4: Flash animations of the early 2000s and the Wholesome Internet
January 5, 2023
Happy New Year to you all, my slowly growing little tribe of subscribers. Thank you kindly for your nice comments about previous editions of this sporadic...
Issue #3: Worst HTML tags of the 1990s and magical nature apps
July 27, 2022
Hi all, it's been a while. But then I did promise that if nothing else, this newsletter would be erratic. SOMETHING OLD Back in the mid 1990s, When I wasn't...
Issue #2: Internet fandoms from "The X-Files" Usenet newsgroups to #Loki
August 11, 2021
Hello, slightly larger group of subscribers! Thank you for reading. In this episode of Old Internet People I have gone Way Overboard. Last time I promised a...
Issue #1: Nostalgic low tech web design
June 14, 2021
Hello to my so far tiny number of subscribers, I appreciate you all so much and send you sparkly joy and gratitude for this coming week. Welcome to issue #1...