Two Killer Zens on the Subject of Notability
The second poem’s better but you should read the first one anyway
I back in the day the most shame less form of self promotion was to make your own wikipedia page I was tempted but I never felt I’d crack the fresh hold of notability I’d hold my achieve ments in my im agined hand and weigh them against the achievements of the great and good who often turned out to be neither we have all done a great many things but how many of those are notable not many for if they were then wikipedia would go on for ever it would con tain every little dai ly act from every pleb on the planet what we ate for lunch when we last got laid what we dreamed of while dozing on the train home it would be chaos and I guess each of us would write our own page and be trusted not to lie so it would be the world’s biggest rep ository of falsehoods which would tech nically make it a work of literature rather than an encyclopaedia and if that was the case you might as well make each person’s social media pages their wiki pedia page and be done with it but other people could correct them with factual accuracies in stead of libellous false hoods and then truth would cumulatively ex plode across the inter net like poppies unfurling one by one from a moun tain of manure and there wouldn’t be enough shame to go round and we would all have to sit there in the turgid slough of our truth before a lone voice would cry notability and then others would join in chanting notability until the whole world was screaming for not ability until the day that notability comes around so we can gladly lay down our blue ticks
II there was a time before i even knew what a wiki was when i was on a district line train at around six thir ty in the morning on the way to work and the train stop ped in the middle of a tunnel but it wasn’t really a tunnel it was like a little room in the middle of the tun nel and there were a few metal box es that were lock ed shut and a met re high wall and the first thing I thought of when seeing that little wall was that the person who laid those bricks was probably not al ive any more and that wall sudden ly became the mo st authentic thing that I had seen in a while it could even be said that the wall met my own personal ru bric of notability the fact that some one made a wall who later died but the wall was still standing and I rea lise on writing this that the most no table thing I have ever made is not a poem or a per formance but a half mile beech hedge that I plant ed on a wet win ters day along a road that leads to a theme park as thick lumps of clay stuck tight to my spade I kept digging while mumbling the lines for the next poem that I was planning to perform at an open mic that stopped running decades ago
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