the tap
A poem written in the Killer Zen style of Todd Moore
the idea that a dri pping tap could drive any per son to in sanity is a par ticular ly west ern one I have dozed like a drunk rhi no for ma ny years with a tap dripping a way in the corner of my cell the guards originally intended for it to chip a way at my mind as a gen tle stream might sculpt the cont ours of rock over centuries but at the time of my in terception as I crossed what I thought was an unmanned border my mind was already sha terred into little jags of iden tity that dis solved into the lurid flow of sensory experi ence at first they sus pected that I might be taking refuge in the re gular me tre of the drip drip drip not un like the drum of a funeral parade acc omopany ing the dear leaders cof fin so they rigged the tap with rubber bands and twigs in such a way that the drips hit the con crete floor at irreg ular in tervals but I was already com fortable with the ran dom stacca to of exis tence and the drip was no more a bother than my thoughts they have since gi ven up on the regu lar beat ings and keep me locked up not so much as a punishment but rather as some kind of state se cret some thing they don’t want the other prisoners to discover which rais es the que stion of why they havent blasted a slug into my cor tex perhaps because my way of be ing could be of ad vantage to them if they were inter cepted be hind ene my lines they even let me shimmy over to where the tap is dripping to open my mouth and catch each drop like a delicious doggy treat the little explosions of chilled clarity ren derring the sound of each drip into bloss oming bliss sometimes one of the guards might ask if there is an im age that I keep in my head and I say no but I sometimes dream that I am the bu ddha sat on a rock in the christian hell and every so often an an gel appears to ask me if I am in ang uish and I would reply in a calm rested tone oh yes this is te rrible please let him know that I am suffering greatly
This poem borrows heavily from the poetry of Todd Moore and his “Killer Zen” style and ethos but I was in turn reminded of this way of writing by a Luke Wright thread on twitter.
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