The Bolt compiler: Inheritance and Generics Tutorials
Hello everyone,
I hope you've been keeping well. I'm kicking off 2021 with not just one, but two posts for you. As a thanks for signing up, you're getting these posts exclusively for the first 48 hours.
I announced on Twitter that I'm aiming to share 40 posts this year. 2 down, 38 to go!
New Posts!
We're rounding out the Bolt compiler series with these two posts.
Generics - we're implementing generics (List<T>
) using the same approach as C++ templates!
Inheritance and Method Overriding - you can't call Bolt a proper object-oriented language without inheritance and method overriding.
Yes, there will always be more language features to implement... access modifiers, arrays, optional types, the list goes on.
Links from around the Web
The Embedded YouTube Player Told Me What You Were Watching - a fascinating read about how a bug in embedded YouTube players meant the website embedding the player could access your private watch history.
HN discussion on ReScript - ReasonML is dead. Long live ReScript! ReasonML is an example of how fragmented communities working on similar (but slightly different) goals can lead to a language failing. I think it's also a case of building a language as a solution to a problem no one really had.
Programming Memes?
Last time I got a reply to this newsletter asking for programming memes. Send me your favourite programming meme and I'll post the best one in the next issue!
I'm launching a YouTube channel soon, so there'll be even more educational content! You heard it here first ;) I'll have more details in the next issue.
Till then,
PS: nothing like public accountability to get me to make that first video. ;)