How to apologize for broken links
Beloved friends.
Last week’s newsletter contained a broken link to my book, for which I’d created a discount. For you. This bothers me. And I’d like to make amends:
TL;DR: It is fixed.
Slightly longer explanation: right after I sent out the newsletter, I found a typo in the book. I fixed the typo, and re-uploaded the book. Stupidly, I didn’t realize this would take the book offline until I proofed the fix. And that all takes a few days to happen. And I’m still waiting on that proof. (Let’s take a moment here to appreciate that you can fix a typo in a book, get a proof, and get it right back on the proverbial shelves within a few days. Honestly amazing.)
The good news is that there’s a secret “friends-only” version of the book with a saucy cover of an inflatable Scabby the Rat. And because we’re friends I’m giving you a big discount on that one. $15 Scabby the Rat Special Edition.
And I’ll also toss a couple bucks from every sale to the NYT Tech Guild Strike Fund. (which, of course, you can donate to directly.)

For my international friends, since Ingram prints all over the world, this will be the cheapest you’ll ever get the book. So get it!
And yes, the zine is still very cool, and still for sale.
See you later this week with our regularly scheduled Q&A. Send me a question!
I love you. Hang in there.