Hi everyone!
I hope you're enjoying this gorgeous weather. I just spent a beautiful summer evening indoors to do something very exciting: rehearse new chamber music! All but one of the pieces I worked on tonight have never been played before by anyone else.
There is nothing in the world like premiering a new piece of music, getting to be among the first people to take it off the page, put together, and make it happen. It's like opening a gift, or putting together the world's most amazing Lego set. It's even better when the composer is there in the room with you, because they're hearing an idea they've had for a long time actually
happen, and you get to share that with them.
There are certain other benefits to having the composers present- today, I encountered a place where a missing musical direction made my part borderline unplayable, but instead of wondering what was going on, I turned around and asked the composer about it, because he was
sitting in the stand behind me.

... that's better. And that's why musicians always have a pencil on hand.
Anyway, come on up to
Edmonds United Methodist Church next Saturday, because the second-best thing besides premiering new music is listening to new music. The concert's at 7:30, hope to see you there!
As always, thanks for listening.