Hello from London.
Normally, I'm very excited to be in London. Today, I am very sad to be in London, because I was supposed to be giving a talk and playing a short solo program for my friend's birthday party / conference in Helsinki. I was going to hop over there for the weekend from here, because I could.
And then I got a stomach virus (apparently the same one that has struck down much of
Watford FC), and ended up in Urgent Care, slept for most of a day, got a shot in the butt (first time for everything I guess), and although I'm feeling much better now, I'm still nowhere near well enough to get on a plane over to a country I've never set foot in and perform a bunch of stuff and socialize. I would put this in the bottom three vacation experiences I have ever had. Fortunately, my in-laws are lovely people who are taking very good care of me, and I actually left the house today and enjoyed myself a little bit.
BUT, this isn't a 'Melinda takes a mostly awesome vacation and has a bad few days meanwhile' newsletter, it's a music newsletter, and what I am actually writing to tell you is that I'm playing a concert very soon after I get back from London, namely this one:

It will feature the fabulous Michael Center, LUCO principal cellist. You can get tickets in advance for $2 cheaper than the price above
online, if you're sure you're coming (scroll down the page a bit). And you can go out for some excellent Szechuan or Korean food with me and Eldan afterwards if you want, because Lynnwood is really good for those.
As always, thanks for reading and listening!