Hi friends. It's been a while. The last time I wrote to you was in February, before COVID made its way into our lives in North America. Before a whole lot of isolation, social distancing, and not making music with other people in any meaningful way for a very long time.
And also, before Eldan and I left Seattle, and moved to Victoria, BC.
So here I am, living with some friends who have graciously invited us to stay with them for a while in Victoria, working on orchestral audition excerpts (for when doing stuff with new people in a new town indoors is a good idea again) and solo repertoire.
I'm pleased to announce that I've worked up a piece of music - Prokofiev's solo violin sonata - enough to want to share it with people, and I've decided to give it a go over Zoom. I'm lucky enough to have a small but enthusiastic live audience in the form of my housemates, and, if you're interested, all of you.
It's going to take place on December 6th, at 4pm Pacific Time. Reply to this message if you'd like to come, and I'll send you an invitation to the Zoom call.
I know that those of you on this list in far-flung time zones are wondering if there's an option for you and there will be a technical rehearsal / sound check earlier that day - so don't lose heart. If you really want to watch this, you can be the first! Reply to me and we'll work that out.
I hope you're all okay, whatever that looks like for you, and I'm hoping that this can be a fun little bright patch in your winter.
Thanks for listening,