Hit and Miss #314: Untitled pt. 1
Thank you to everyone who wrote in about my break email last week. I’ll likely keep going, but relieve myself of the stress of titling these posts for the next few weeks (a surprisingly big part of the weirdness!), and just share a little vignette or a few links.
Links links links!
- https://ethanmarcotte.com/wrote/labor/ and https://everythingchanges.us/blog/work-work-balance/
On productivity metrics and management consultants – Surfing Complexity
The management consulting firm McKinsey & Company recently posted a blog post titled Yes, you can measure software developer productivity. The post prompted a lot of responses, such as Kent Bec…
Never Look Down the Road Not Taken
On financial regrets and why life never turns out the way you think it should.
- https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2023/09/06/memories-of-molly/ and https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2023/09/07/why-are-we-not-still-using-tables-for-layout/
All the best for the week ahead!
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