Hit and Miss #110: The sites I visit
Waterloo for the long weekend, voted yesterday, and visiting with family. It’s a good time.
I’ve been playing with structured data a lot lately (more than usual, maybe). Sometimes we generate this data intentionally, like assembling a spreadsheet or database. But sometimes it happens accidentally, and we then extract it.
In that spirit, here’s a dataset of sorts, of the suggested URL that comes up when I type a letter in Firefox:
letter,url a,https://app.youneedabudget.com/ b,https://biblio.uottawa.ca/ c,https://calendar.google.com/ d,https://drive.google.com/ e,https://ecustom.ca/ f,https://frankchimero.com/ g,https://www.google.com/ h,https://heinonline-org.proxy.bib.uottawa.ca/ i, j,https://journals-scholarsportal-info.proxy.bib.uottawa.ca/ k, l,https://www.linkedin.com/ m,https://mail.google.com/ n, o,https://open.canada.ca/en p,https://pinboard.in/ q, r,https://reservia.viarail.ca/ s,https://scholar.google.com/ t,https://twitter.com/ u,https://uottawa.brightspace.com/ v, w,https://www.google.com/ x, y,https://yowcivictech.slack.com/ z,
This collection suggests that academic research is a big part of my browsing, along with personal organization apps. Maybe you see trends here that I don’t. I’m glad to see all those sites are HTTPS-enabled.
Yay for a tiny bit of personal transparency! All the best for the week ahead.
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