Hit and Miss
Hit and Miss #134: Do nothing struggles
March 29, 2020
The collected answers to last week’s question (What comforts you?) are at the end of the email. There’s a new question this week! Hello there! A friend...
Hit and Miss #133: Sims
March 22, 2020
I’m trying something out, a little more interactive, with this newsletter. Consider sticking around until the end, or skipping ahead, to participate. I’m...
Hit and Miss #132: Now so fast, history so slow
March 15, 2020
Six weeks ago was the end of January. My head thinks February just started. I have to remind myself that I was home for a whole week, for my birthday, in the...
Hit and Miss #131: Finding focus
March 8, 2020
Good morning, folks! Actually, as I write this, it’s no longer morning—but it’s sunny outside my window, and the clocks just changed, so everything feels...
Hit and Miss #130: 2x3 links (misc, archives) and a phrase
March 1, 2020
Hello there! A bright Sunday morning to you. Despite being buried in schoolwork the past week, I’ve somehow managed to accumulate a fair number of...
Hit and Miss #129: Spring, feelings, readings
February 23, 2020
Maybe the groundhog was right—spring feels on its way. We’ve a run of above-zero days, the Canal has closed “until further notice”, and the air is gradually...
Hit and Miss #128: Family time
February 16, 2020
Two things happen when I return home to Waterloo: I track my time much less rigorously. Of the time I do track, much of it is filled by long stretches with...
Hit and Miss #127: Collected links
February 9, 2020
Hello there! I’ve had a bit of an off week, thanks to some health troubles. No alarm bells going off today, but heading in for more checkups tomorrow. Fret...
Hit and Miss #126: Mining my messages
February 2, 2020
Somehow it’s February already?? This morning, a friend and I did a site visit for a course on Indigenous histories and public discourse in Ottawa. (We went...
Hit and Miss #125: Facilitating access
January 26, 2020
I’m writing to you from one of my favourite spots, a library. Libraries are institutional versions of the role I’d like to play in life, that of a trusted...
Hit and Miss #124: Snow slow
January 19, 2020
Snow has been the story the past few days, here in Ottawa and elsewhere in Canada—particularly in Newfoundland. There have been some entertaining stories...
Hit and Miss #123: Retreat to the wholesome
January 12, 2020
Well, it’s been quite the start to the year, hasn’t it? It’s been a hard week in Ottawa, in Canada, and beyond. And this morning Ontario Twitter came...
Hit and Miss #122: Archives and walking and links
January 5, 2020
Hello! Here’s to you, here’s to 2020—let’s take this one with gusto, shall we? (Or, y’know, with whatever we can muster. I’m here with and for you...
Hit and Miss #121: Engage!
December 29, 2019
Hello! Apologies if you only got last week’s issue yesterday. My newsletter provider had a bit of a hiccup, but it’s been sorted. I’ve been home sick since...
Hit and Miss #120: This year’s books
December 22, 2019
Goodness, am I glad it’s the Sunday before Christmas. I was drawing a blank as to what to write about—it’s been a long week—before remembering that in 2018...
Hit and Miss #119: Top shelf (think books, not booze)
December 15, 2019
Hello there! Today’s been for squirrelling away on a paper, hence the late(ish) hour. (But it’s an interesting one! Comparing civic tech to the American...
Hit and Miss #118: Thirty years later
December 8, 2019
Friday marked the 30th anniversary of the École Polytechnique shootings. Thirty years on, we find ourselves still grappling with the same issues. The freshly...
Hit and Miss #117: Principles of parliamentary practice
December 1, 2019
It’s the start of December! While that carries with it bits of stress for various reasons, we’re* lucky this year because it also marks the start of a new...
Hit and Miss #116: Web links
November 24, 2019
When I want to feel optimistic about technology, I turn to people who help shape the web. (Woo, “web”!) Often these folks have thoughts on blogging, on web...
Hit and Miss #115: P-p-p-policy!! (Or, what Lucas does at work)
November 17, 2019
Hello there! A happy Sunday to you. I’m writing after a weekend of coffees, walks, reading, and Don Giovanni. Also rom-coms. I hope yours was equally...
Hit and Miss #114: A parliamentary (precinct) tour
November 10, 2019
Yesterday, some friends and I toured the House of Commons and Senate. On the way over, one asked whether I’d hold back from correcting the guide—which I...
Hit and Miss #113: Stories beyond the data
November 3, 2019
Happy day of the time change, “when 2 becomes 1”! Datasets can be seductive. A series of aerial photos, a building registry, or a big table of biographical...
Hit and Miss #112: Public service
October 27, 2019
Earlier this week, a friend shared a profile of Art Allen, an American public servant whose quiet work over several decades greatly improved marine search...
Hit and Miss #111: Functions of a living situation
October 20, 2019
Last night, I was reflecting on the essential functions of a living situation. What kind of activities should a living situation support? I arrived at a...
Hit and Miss #110: The sites I visit
October 13, 2019
Hello! Waterloo for the long weekend, voted yesterday, and visiting with family. It’s a good time. I’ve been playing with structured data a lot lately (more...
Hit and Miss #109: The slump
October 6, 2019
Whether feeling especially up or down, it’s good to remember that the other will come soon enough. The peak transforms into a slump. But some things can pull...
Hit and Miss #108: Models for decision and action
September 29, 2019
How do we organize to take decisions and act on the results? Thinking here of processes that often—but not always—produce some thing as a result. Two...
Hit and Miss #107: A drop-in space
September 22, 2019
Hello there, My parents have been part of a walking group for almost 6 years; it’s been around for at least 12. Every Saturday morning, folks meet up, walk...
Hit and Miss #106: Bookmark finds
September 15, 2019
Hello! I’m in Waterloo for a brief family visit. It’s nice to be here. Enjoying time together, I’ve had little time to read or write. Here, then, are some...
Hit and Miss #105: Travelling in place
September 8, 2019
Next weekend, Ottawa’s LRT will open to the public, after more than a year of missed deadlines. In the coming weeks, most of the system’s routes will shift...
Hit and Miss #104: Through the eyes of another
September 1, 2019
This weekend, I visited some family friends. We discussed many things during my visit, conversing over meals and a puzzle and a campfire. A few times, we...
Hit and Miss #103: Structure
August 25, 2019
Hello there! Structure matters. It often goes unnoticed, unmentioned. But it’s always there: a guiding force, influencing what happens within, around, or...
Hit and Miss #102: A geography of intentional sound
August 18, 2019
A neighbour’s A/C unit powered on, adding a buzz to the sounds of bees, cicadas, and traffic. It was quiet there, in a suburban backyard, quiet and private....
Hit and Miss #101: Happy days
August 11, 2019
Hello there! I’ll try to keep this one short, as I’m soon off to help a friend move and then head home to Waterloo. Yesterday was a very happy day. One I’d...
Hit and Miss #100: Living principles
August 4, 2019
I often distinguish principle and practice. It’s hard to know in advance how to act in a given situation; it’s much easier to decide why we’ll act. The...
Hit and Miss #99: Levels of critical digital work
July 28, 2019
Hello there! I’m writing at the end of a fun weekend filled with family and friends. (My sister’s in town, and we’ve passed some fun hours together with good...
Hit and Miss #98: Questions for learning
July 21, 2019
One fine morning to you! I could comment on the heat. But I already did that, a year ago tomorrow. Instead, let’s talk about questions. Earlier this week, a...
Hit and Miss #97: Digital government and civic tech
July 14, 2019
Hello there! It’s been a while since I gave an update on my work and work-adjacent life. On the surface, it’s much of the same: I’m still working in digital...
Hit and Miss #96: Opera
July 7, 2019
A beautiful Sunday morning to you. I’m quite content today: the sky is blue, the air is cool, and I’ve little to do. Yesterday was hotter, so I minimized my...
Hit and Miss #95: Let’s take a walk
June 30, 2019
Shall we take a walk? We could walk around idly and discuss whatever we see along the way. Or we could follow a thematic route. We might hire a guide or join...
Hit and Miss #94: Word and links
June 23, 2019
Hullo! This letter’s late hour is thanks to my being on vacation—what feels like the first in a long while, too long. My vacation is about what you’d expect:...
Hit and Miss #93: Accessible public spaces
June 16, 2019
Restless, I went for a walk last night. When restless on a weekend, I often go through Ottawa’s Byward Market, winding through the streets full of people...
Hit and Miss #92: A working carrying capacity
June 9, 2019
Last December, I had a challenging week. I had six days to complete four finals for school. Surprisingly, I emerged from this period having worked an average...
Hit and Miss #91: Doors Open
June 2, 2019
Today’s clouds seem to extend to my mind. Some notes: Yesterday I visited Library and Archives Canada and a branch of the Library of Parliament. Today, I’ll...
Hit and Miss #90: Walking toward a social summer
May 26, 2019
Hullo there! (Apologies for any mixed up tenses. I’m writing this Saturday afternoon. If all goes to plan, you’ll get this some time Sunday morning.) I’m out...
Hit and Miss #89: Three blobs of words
May 19, 2019
Good evening! The long weekend happily surprised me. In my head, today’s Saturday—hence this letter’s late hour, hence its slapdash contents. I’m not itching...
Hit and Miss #88: Grounding history
May 12, 2019
Hi! A hopefully happy Sunday to you. You may know that I’m very interested in local history. I read almost every plaque I encounter—though sometimes...
Hit and Miss #87: A day off
May 5, 2019
It’s May. (!!!) It’s been a packed week. There’s something I want to write about social balance and reconfiguration. My patterns of socializing have shifted...
Hit and Miss #86: Look up
April 28, 2019
Hello! Each morning, I try to do three things. One of them is to “look up”. Literally, this refers to raising my eyes from the ground, directing them up and...
Hit and Miss #85: Valuing openness
April 21, 2019
Hello! Openness is a value. Three recent episodes highlight the value/valuing of openness from different angles: On Wednesday, I presented at uOttawa’s...
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