Hit and Miss
Hit and Miss #334: Byeeee, January!
January 28, 2024
The winter doldrums are alive and well this week. T and I are both on the up-and-up, slowly, but have varying kinds of lingering meh. Coupled with the...
Hit and Miss #333: Sick, again
January 21, 2024
So it seems I have COVID. For extra real, this time—tested positive and everything. Optimistically, T had it in late December / early January and I didn’t...
Hit and Miss #332: Wintry neighbours
January 14, 2024
Winter, it seems, is finally here. The last few days of snow made for an entertaining time getting T to work yesterday morning—scoping out nearby carshare...
Hit and Miss #331: Benchin’, cattin’, linkin’
January 7, 2024
Thank you to all who wrote in with kind words wishing T and I well last week. Happy to report that we’re both back to our normal selves. (Which, for me,...
Hit and Miss #330: So, we made it
December 31, 2023
Whew. I’m writing you today from our living room, A in my lap, T in the other room. It wasn’t what we’d planned for the week—today, I was meant to be on a...
Hit and Miss #329: Another year’s books
December 24, 2023
Phew, hi! It’s been quite a week—A was sick (better now!), some difficult conversations in and around my extended family (ongoing…), and all kinds of...
Hit and Miss #328: omg me too
December 17, 2023
Hello! Much like Sameer, I’m finding myself with little to say before the links these days. So, in addition to encouraging you to go read Sameer’s (frankly...
Hit and Miss #327: Hoorah for “blank time”
December 10, 2023
Hullo! A good Sunday to you :) It’s been a good week—I was, unusually, somewhat on the ball in getting up when I meant to; it makes a huge change in the day,...
Hit and Miss #326: Bring on the winter of (inter)dependence
December 3, 2023
This morning, T and I sat in the den, me reading and her knitting, as snow peacefully but steadily fell, filling the roads, paths, and trees around us with a...
Hit and Miss #325: Independent living depends on a healthy land
November 26, 2023
It’s been a good weekend—full of the right activities, in the right proportion. T and I are rewatching Ted Lasso for probably the fifth time while hosting...
Hit and Miss #324: Responding to change (links on)
November 19, 2023
After a very days-and-nights-busy work week, it was nice to have things a bit more normal this week. T and I are getting ready to host our first overnight...
Hit and Miss #323: Change for thee, but not for me?
November 12, 2023
It’s been a very full week! We hosted our first few meals in the new place—none fancy, but we’re not particularly fancy people anyhow. We also got in some...
Hit and Miss #322: Maintenance before a busy week
November 5, 2023
Good morning! Yesterday was one of those lovely “maintenance” days. Both in the broadest sense—getting groceries, making sauce for the week ahead, going for...
Hit and Miss #321: Finishing things
October 29, 2023
Another weekend of juggling too many things—one day I’ll be sensible about what I can actually accomplish in a day, a year, a life! There’s a long list from...
Hit and Miss #320: Home (anew)
October 22, 2023
Whew. It’s been a week—a month—a season—a year. Fall’s a third over, but it’s flown by. A month ago we returned from Japan, and turned in short order to...
Hit and Miss #319: Old standbys
October 15, 2023
Hello! Things have been quite busy here the last few weeks, but the end is in sight, with quieter, calmer days ahead. T suggested—whether she realized it or...
Hit and Miss #318: Port season
October 8, 2023
Was feeling down today—a rainy weekend, a Thanksgiving in Ottawa instead of with family (but for very good reasons!), distressing imagery and news from...
Hit and Miss #317: Old favourites in a time of change
October 1, 2023
Hello from a mostly-not-jet-lagged Lucas! It was quite a time adjusting to Ontario, uh, time, but I far preferred being awake early to always wanting to...
Hit and Miss #316: Home from Japan
September 24, 2023
Hello! T and I are back from a few weeks in Japan. Mindboggling to write that, not least because my brain’s in another timezone and suffering from...
Hit and Miss #315: Untitled pt. 2
September 17, 2023
Hello! In the midst of vacation, trying to channel Rach Smith’s “no inputs day”. It’s… hard! Changing context helps, of course, but those inputs are always...
Hit and Miss #314: Untitled pt. 1
September 10, 2023
Thank you to everyone who wrote in about my break email last week. I’ll likely keep going, but relieve myself of the stress of titling these posts for the...
Hit and Miss #313: Break?
September 3, 2023
Hello! Ah, September—what a pleasure! Though it’s been a while since the academic year shaped my life, I’m still keenly aware of it—the rhythm of thirds has...
Hit and Miss #312: Enjoy those cool evenings
August 27, 2023
Folks! The evenings are cool and the mornings crisp! Fall is coming! This is not a drill!! Very full days behind and ahead of us—with some exciting news to...
Hit and Miss #311: “Low risk”
August 20, 2023
Folks, I took that advice I shared in the last two issues—Mandy Brown’s energy makes time—and hoo boy does it ever work! Spent the afternoon in the woodshop...
Hit and Miss #310: Feelin’ eh
August 13, 2023
Hello! Bit of an off day energy-wise—trying to fit in too much, not doing a great job cutting myself slack when I can’t fit all that, and wallowing over all...
Hit and Miss #309: Good summer
August 6, 2023
Ah, August—the good part of summer. Still hot, yes, but less consistently so. Cooler nights, the occasional balmy day, little treats to make the heat more...
Hit and Miss #308: Full of fulfillment
July 30, 2023
Hello! A happy Sunday to you :) Writing, again, at the end of a full but fulfilling weekend. This weekend featured hours in parks, enjoying the grass and the...
Hit and Miss #307: The internet is good, actually?
July 23, 2023
Hello! Writing after an unexpectedly full weekend, tired but thankfully not drained: Yesterday morning was an awesome hand tools course at Ottawa City...
Hit and Miss #306: Cheers for “Grandparent hobbies”
July 16, 2023
Hi! Exciting things afoot, but I’m low on energy and brainspace this afternoon. I don’t have anything in particular to say or share this week, but am pleased...
Hit and Miss #305: Extra extra extra!
July 9, 2023
Hello! Coming off a lovely weekend full of T time, family time, friend time, and hobby time—very glad for all the people I get to share life with. It’s left...
Hit and Miss #304: Midyear goals
July 2, 2023
Hello! We’re just wrapping up a really lovely visit from my family, which included a brunch today with our closest Ottawa family, S+V. Very glad for the...
Hit and Miss #303: See other
June 25, 2023
Hello! It’s been a very full week, and I don’t have much in the tank to write today. I hope you’re all doing well, and taking care, especially if you live...
Hit and Miss #302: Better conversations
June 18, 2023
Hello! Sunny, blue skies have emerged from an overcast morning (though I like the gloom, some days—it encourages a general feeling of quiet, a welcome break...
Hit and Miss #301: Full of food, family, and love
June 11, 2023
Hello! Writing, very (very) full with food, after a full day visiting family. We’ve had a busy few weeks, with lots of emotional ups and downs, but are glad...
Hit and Miss #300: Living the principles
June 4, 2023
Hi! A very happy Sunday to you. We’ve had a whirlwind few days, but in a way that feels as relaxing as it’s been full: a woodworking course yesterday morning...
Hit and Miss #299: Issues elsewhere, issues here
May 28, 2023
Hello! I spent the morning as a biking kit man to T and T’s mom, who ran the Ottawa marathon today. CONGRATS BOTH!! It was so awesome to see their...
Hit and Miss #298: Manure breach heat agreement
May 21, 2023
Hello! I smelled manure from the Experimental Farm while out biking this morning, and it gave me a great smile—manure’s a smell that reminds me of home,...
Hit and Miss #297: Free time
May 14, 2023
Hello! I was already a few minutes from home during a walk earlier today, when I realized I hadn’t taken an antihistamine. Miraculously, I emerged mostly un-...
Hit and Miss #296: From weary of dreary to cheery
May 7, 2023
Whew! We made it through a dreary week of April showers, and are now truly treated with May flowers. I’ve had Springsteen’s “Glory Days” going through my...
Hit and Miss #295: (not) Ottawa things
April 30, 2023
Hello! It’s been—finally—a mostly chill, restful weekend. Long overdue, and grateful for it. We read, ate ice cream, did some light shopping, caught up with...
Hit and Miss #294: Explaining the inscrutable
April 23, 2023
It’s an overcast Sunday and there’s a mariachi band playing outside, which, much to T and A’s chagrin, means I’m trumpet-mouthing along (I suppose we should...
Hit and Miss #293: Spring regrowth
April 16, 2023
Hi folks! Hope you’re all doing well. Two interesting links, as I slowly get back into a groove: Land trusts as a growing player in housing (along with all...
Hit and Miss #292: Four weeks in Portugal, Belgium, America, and Canada
April 9, 2023
Some issues are links, others are reflections—this one’s a snapshot, of the last month. It’s been a long one, full in ways good and bad. I share it with you...
Hit and Miss #291: Tired, so tired
April 2, 2023
Folks, it’s been a day—a week—a month. In hard ways, yes, though also in good ways! But I am thoroughly tired. The kind of tired where you’re waiting for the...
Hit and Miss #290: Mockingbird
March 26, 2023
Hello! Another weekend spent checking out cool places and visiting with friends. (I’ll stop vaguebooking in a week or two, I promise.) I heard a mockingbird...
Hit and Miss #289: No news
March 19, 2023
Hi there! It’s been a lovely week travelling with T and friends (hi S and V!), but I’m pretty wiped and don’t have much to say otherwise. (Other than, I was...
Hit and Miss #288: Honoured
March 12, 2023
Hi! Writing after a fairly hectic week, wrapping some things at work before some time off. Because of that hectic week, I haven’t had much time to speak to,...
Hit and Miss #287: Good company
March 5, 2023
Hello! It’s been a lovely day, hosting S and V for brunch (Dutch babies are the best!), followed by time in the sun and springlike weather. Yes, there’ll be...
Hit and Miss #286: Cosy up
February 26, 2023
Hello! Having a lovely cosy morning, after a lovely cosy day, which leaves me in more of a reading mood than a writing one. And that’s great! Rest, rest,...
Hit and Miss #285: Links on data, exploitation, and hunkering down
February 19, 2023
Hello! I’ve spent much of the weekend working on an exciting data-y side project. Been having fun learning about graph theory (just enough learning, that is,...
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