Where did the time go??
This once-a-month newslettering is terrific/terrifying because it's forcing me to hold myself accountable. I have to DO THINGS every month or I'd have nothing to report.
I wrote a thing for The Billfold about how much it cost (per minute) to make my six-minute movie.
I spent several days on IMDb, writing down the names of producers who made movies I love, producers who went to Wesleyan, producers who went to USC. I'm on the hunt for my dream producers.
And I've got a new project, still in the larval stage. For inspiration, I re-watched Catherine Hardwicke's
Thirteen, which has been a touchstone for me since film school--partly because it's a badass movie about teenage girls, partly because Holly Hunter is so fucking good, partly because Catherine H. was 47 when the movie came out. Her first feature! I find that so heartening. The bit about her and Nikki Reed writing the first draft in five days I
do not find heartening.
This month in the tiny house: I folded our clothes into tubes and stacked them upright in the drawers, per
the Japanese-minimalist method. Total game changer.
This month in tacos: Breakfast tacos from
Guisados, served on Sundays at all three locations, from 9-11am. The bacon/egg taco is KILLER, as is the horchata cold brew. (If you go to Guisados for non-breakfast tacos, which you should!, be sure to get the quesadilla con chorizo.)
This month in movies:
Obvious Child, written and directed by Gillian Robespierre, for rent on iTunes, Amazon, and elsewhere. The politics are great, Jenny Slate is great, and it turns out to be a very sweet romantic comedy (with one abortion and many poop jokes).
Babadook, for rent on Google play, is an Australian horror movie written and directed by Jennifer Kent. It's so well done, and really genuinely scary, with shades of Edward Gorey and shades of The Shining, and terrific performances from both mom and six-year-old son.
p.s. Speaking of moms, and pregnancy.... Two different mom friends have tweeted/texted me that they dreamed this issue of the newsletter opened with a birth story, and that was how I announced I'd had a kid. You guys, I did not have a kid.