Welcome to the V.O.I.C.E. of KDZU! The Internet can be a pretty big bummer. So we've concocted a supernova-esque explosion 💥 of email awesomeness to noise-cancel those gross frequencies of Internet Ick!
Drum 🥁 machine 🎛️ drumroll, please...
1. ...make you feel better about your creative projects and efforts.
Yep! We're gonna send you encouragements about your projects! That's right. We are here to share our best "unicorn feedback 🦄" about how your work is wow-ing us.
2. ...keep you up to date on what KDZU is up to.
We'll send you links to cool music we're playing, things we are inspired by, and experiments we're concocting.
3. ...sometimes, very occasionally, sell you stuff and ask for donations.
We gotta keep the lights on💡, the servers fed 👾🌮, and the new music flowing 🔊! Short on cash? We're always up for cool trades.
1. ...track you (ewww!).
We're anonymous DJs broadcasting from undisclosed locations! We're not into monitoring your every click, swipe, and tap!
2. ...ever be boring.
3. ...be super long.
You're not signing up for a 19th Century English Lit class! Not today, Charles Dickens!
Entrust your precious email address to us and brace yourself for some super-strength weirdness and positivity!
Also... you'll get a link for a free KDZU sticker. We'd love to see photos 📸 of where you stick it!
KDZU believes in a social ecosystem of creative connection and encouragement. Sign up and join us!