i'm thankful that the rain brought slightly cooler temperatures, even though it's still very hot. i'm thankful to have passed two panels of wet sidewalk cement yesterday and to have resisted the urge to imprint myself upon them. i'm thankful for the little shortcut through the trees to enter the park south of town. i'm thankful to sweat a lot and i'm thankful to have learned the importance of replenishing my electrolytes after i do. i'm thankful for the mud room, where i hang my drenched, dripping clothes to dry after a run.
i'm thankful that though there were some difficult moments at work yesterday, it on measure felt like a good day. i'm thankful for the battery life of my new work computer. i'm thankful that i was able to reset my password for a certain site myself rather than having to ask an administrator to do it. i'm thankful to have been able to pick up a ticket my supervisor had been working on and do a good job with it. i'm thankful for the google hangout we had at a team, where we talked about gardening and pontoon boats and wine tasting. i'm thankful that one of my coworkers showed us her pet rabbit, who is 16 years old.
i'm thankful that yesterday, d harvested the first two cherry tomatoes from her tomato plants. i'm thankful to have gotten to eat the second one, which was very good. i'm thankful that d brought me a perfect peach from a coworker's relative's garden. i'm thankful that d loves the tacos i make as much as i do and am thankful that i will get avocado today, which i didn't have time to buy yesterday. i'm thankful for lime juice and hot sauce and salsa verde. i'm thankful for the unctuousness of warm chicken fat.
i'm thankful to be reading contact, even though it is moving a bit slowly for my taste. i'm thankful that the characters and story are different enough to feel like i'm not just revisiting things from the movie. i'm thankful to have gotten to have barack obama as the president of my country. i'm thankful for the album woman by rhye. i'm thankful that after quitting alcohol, i have now quit seltzer, which is what i replaced alcohol with, in the hope that it will help my stomach continue to heal. i'm thankful for mint tea and cinnamon tea, which i have been chilling after brewing and pouring into a cocktail glass. i'm thankful for nexium, which i am giving another try to see if it works any differently now.
i'm thankful that i made myself meditate again yesterday evening. i'm thankful to note that in the hopes that noting it will encourage me to continue doing it without breaking the streak (i'm thankful for the habit list app, which d recommended and which i used to use) and in the hope that if i make records over time of what meditation feels like, i can see progress and then, if i fall off the wagon again, can see the evidence of progress and use it to push through the difficult/boring early sessions. i'm thankful that even though i let my mind wander more than i wanted to, i felt my body loosening up some by the end of the session. i'm thankful that though i felt a little off yesterday evening and didn't sleep well, i feel better this morning.