I'm thankful for perspective. I'm thankful that apartment hunting today felt a bit like a movie montage, except in real time, and that I could recognize that as I was doing it, which made it more fun. I’m thankful that one of the potential roommates I met did the hard work for me by describing herself as “not exactly antisocial, but…” I’m thankful for that construction of speech, which screams out whatever it is you intend to minimize. I’m thankful that I have a place to live for free where I am comfortable, where I can use the kitchen as I wish, where I don’t have to worry about a roommate practicing lines for an audition or playing the mandolin, where it doesn’t always smell like burnt toast. I’m thankful that this exercise made the search for my own place feel a lot less urgent, and perhaps entirely unnecessary.
I’m thankful for dinner with Chris. I'm thankful that talking to him about the practice of writing these notes seemed to spark an interest, and that it reminded me of the benefit that I get from writing them, cultivating gratitude even when doing so seems difficult, even when sometimes all I can find is the vaguest of references.
I’m thankful for the basketball courts nearby. I’m thankful that we played outside tonight even though it was 20 degrees out. I’m thankful for friends who don’t care that I’m awful at basketball. I’m thankful for the many happy memories I have of those courts.
I'm thankful for hoops shot for emphasis. I'm thankful for euphemisms, which make it easier to talk about hard things. I’m thankful to have opportunities to talk about these things.
I’m thankful for hot honey lemon water and for my weird, pick-and-choose belief in homeopathy.
I'm thankful for terrible photos of Noah. I'm thankful for the way that a picture is a mode of instant transport, even if that experience of being in two places at once, in the photo and in the present moment, carries with it a heavy sadness.
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