i'm thankful to have realized that the dog probably did not need me to get up at 6:20 this morning to take him out. i'm thankful that in the dark, with just my phone as a light, it was hard to keep up with him. i'm thankful to have found him this morning lying in the bed in the son's bedroom. i'm thankful that though he has been nervous i hope he will calm down soon. i'm thankful that the chickens, too, were not ready to wake up at 6:20 this morning. i'm thankful to know that i probably don't have to get up that early tomorrow, which is nice. i'm thankful that i slept nicely and deeply last night. i'm thankful that we discovered they have a treadmill in their basement, which is nice because it's cold outside and very hilly in the country. i'm thankful it was sunny out yesterday and i got a run in outside before we discovered the treadmill. i'm thankful for the nice bathtub in the house and am
i'm thankful that d just texted me that the dog peed on the floor, so i will close these notes here.