JSter #238 - Libraries and more
March 4, 2025
I feel the need - the need for JavaScript. It's less than three months until Future Frontend (27-28.5, Espoo, Finland). It's not going to be a big conference...
JSter #237 - Libraries and more
February 17, 2025
My JavaScript. Keep on coding. Libraries Vento - a new templating engine for Deno Modern.js - Inspire Creativity in Modern Web Development...
JSter #236 - Libraries and more
February 4, 2025
Another day, another JavaScript post Not much to say. Keep on coding. Libraries tokenami: CSS-in-JS reinvented for scalable, typesafe design systems. A...
JSter #235 - Libraries and more
January 16, 2025
Why is the JavaScript gone? I have managed to acquire most of the topics for Future Frontend 2025 (27-28.5). It has been interesting to observe how AI...
JSter #234 - Libraries and more
January 6, 2025
Happy new year JavaScripters! New year, new challenges. I have a small favor to ask you. I have a MSc student researching how AI is used for web development....
JSter #233 - Libraries and more
December 17, 2024
You have no idea what I'm JavaScript of. This is the last JSter post of the year. See you next year. Libraries latitude-dev/latitude: Developer-first...
JSter #232 - Libraries and more
December 3, 2024
You’re playing it safe, just waiting for me to JavaScript up. Only a couple of weeks until xmas. It's a good time to pick up advent of code. Articles If Not...
JSter #231 - Libraries and more
November 18, 2024
JavaScript. It lives forever. Right there in your heart. I just finished a busy week at Web Summit and I still have a writeup to do. Interestingly enough the...
JSter #230 - Libraries and more
November 3, 2024
An imaginary JavaScript? Winter is coming, but JavaScript ecosystem keeps on going despite the ice and snow. Libraries TinyBase - The reactive data store for...
JSter #229 - Libraries and more
October 15, 2024
That's your JavaScript I recently interviewed Dariel Vila about KaibanJS for my blog. KaibanJS is a framework that helps you orchestrate your AI agents. The...
JSter #228 - Libraries and more
October 2, 2024
You are the JavaScript one We've started selling tickets for next year's Future Frontend conference. It will take place 27-28.5 at Espoo, Finland (close to...
JSter #227 - Libraries and more
September 17, 2024
With JavaScript, there's always a thing that you don't see coming. I have just a couple of quick things to mention: 1. there's a petition to free JavaScript...
JSter #226 - Libraries and more
September 2, 2024
What took you so JavaScript? Given there's a lot of hype around AI, I took the bait and interviewed Janos Dobronszki over at SurviveJS blog. Janos developed...
JSter #225
August 16, 2024
You're gonna need a bigger JavaScript Summer is close to over. There's still time to prepare for Winter. Libraries WebReflection/gist-fs: A daily rate-...
JSter #224
August 1, 2024
Round up the usual JavaScripts! We produced a mood video of Future Frontend 2024 in case you want to see what happened at the recent event. Techniques...
JSter #223
July 16, 2024
Hey kid, say hello to your JavaScript for me. There's nothing specific to announce. Carry on. Libraries edgejs - Simple templating engine for the edge...
JSter #222 - Libraries and more
July 2, 2024
It's a JavaScript. I set up a playlist based on Future Frontend 2024 content. There's also a photo album. Libraries Announcing TanStack Query v5 stan-js -...
JSter #221 - Libraries and more
June 18, 2024
Think big, think JavaScript Future Frontend 2024 is a wrap and I hope to edit the final videos during the next weeks as I receive the material. Libraries...
JSter #220 - Libraries and more
June 3, 2024
It's supposed to be JavaScript. Future Frontend 2024 conference is getting close (13-14.6). We'll produce a live stream and it will be announced through our...
JSter #219 - Frameworks and more
May 16, 2024
What are you prepared to JavaScript? I recently completed the rewrite of survivejs.com although I still have to write a blog post describing the technical...
JSter #218 - Libraries and more
May 1, 2024
All JavaScript is good JavaScript. I'm close to done with my SurviveJS rework. The new site will have more content while being much lighter and faster to...
JSter #217 - Libraries and more
April 15, 2024
This is JavaScript! I've working on a new revision of SurviveJS website based on Gustwind. This type of work is good in testing framework ideas and fixing...
JSter #216 - Libraries and more
April 2, 2024
Think big, think JavaScript, never show any sign of weakness Spring is literally around the corner in Finland. Just a month to go till the snow is mostly...
JSter #215 - Libraries and more
March 16, 2024
I am become JavaScript. There's nothing specific to announce although I have been working on something potentially interesting. Keep on coding. Libraries...
JSter #214 - Libraries and more
March 4, 2024
It seems we serve the same JavaScript. There's nothing specific to announce this time around. Keep doing good work. Libraries input-otp - Simple OTP entry...
JSter #213 - Libraries and more
February 17, 2024
You don't know what JavaScript is. It's a relationship. There's nothing special to announce this time. Carry on and keep scripting. Libraries...
JSter #212 - Libraries and more
February 4, 2024
JavaScript does not come without a tax of effort. One of my MSc students is doing a survey related to the adoption of JavaScript frameworks. It would be very...
JSter #211 - Libraries and more
January 16, 2024
You don't know what JavaScript is. It's a relationship. Here's a quick injection of JavaScript libraries and related injection. If you are within the region,...
JSter #210 - Libraries and more
January 5, 2024
JavaScript doesn't mind cold. New year, new cold records. Libraries trekhleb/micrograd-ts: 🤖 A TypeScript version of karpathy/micrograd — a tiny scalar-...
JSter #209 - Libraries and more
December 15, 2023
I will honor JavaScript in my heart, and try to keep it all the year xmas is getting close and it's 2024 soon. That means we're way closer to 2050 than 1980....
JSter #207 - Libraries and more
November 15, 2023
In the beginning there was swamp, JavaScript, and Jussi Nothing to announce this time. Read on. Libraries pilcrowOnPaper/monaco: A simple OAuth library made...
JSter #206 - Libraries and more
November 1, 2023
No tricks, only JavaScript Lately I've been refactoring my site creator, Gustwind. Now it accepts HTML syntax and it's shaping up nicely although there's...
JSter #205 - Libraries and more
October 16, 2023
Today is going to be the most JavaScript day ever. I published a short primer to disappearing frameworks a while ago. It is freely available and captures the...
JSter #204 - Frameworks and more
October 2, 2023
JavaScript. It's not what you think it is. Another two weeks, another JSter post. Lots of frameworks this time. Frameworks Rakkas - Bleeding edge React...
JSter #203 - Libraries and more
September 19, 2023
Any programming languages whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a programming language The Winter is coming and it's only a matter of days that...
JSter #202 - Libraries and more
September 5, 2023
I'm in no hurry. I like the desert. I like JavaScript. It has been busy two weeks and the Fall is approaching. Libraries aidenybai/million - An extremely...
JSter #201 - Libraries and more
August 16, 2023
I am become JavaScript, the destroyer of worlds Not much to say this time. I have the dates for the next Future Frontend, though. It will take place...
JSter #200 - Libraries and more
August 3, 2023
I'll beach off with you any day, JavaScript It's the 200th issue of JSter. That's a lot of links. Libraries hwchase17/langchainjs - Building applications...
JSter #199 - Tools and more
July 17, 2023
JavaScript isn't one important thing, it's everything. Carry on and keep JavaScripting. There's not much to say this time. Tools egoist/dum: An npm scripts...
JSter #198 - Libraries and more
July 5, 2023
The only thing we have to fear is JavaScript itself. I recently gave a presentation titled ECMAScript - From an idea to a major standard (paper) at EURAS...
JSter #197 - Libraries and more
June 16, 2023
Elementary, my dear JavaScript. The first edition of Future Frontend conference finished last week and I consider it a success. We are currently in post-...
JSter #196 - Libraries and more
June 3, 2023
Even my JavaScript is capable of making an analogy It's happening. Future Frontend conference takes place next week (8-9.6). A little bird told me there will...
JSter #195: Libraries and more
May 15, 2023
That’ll do JavaScript. That’ll do. Another two weeks, another list of JavaScript resources. Libraries tkrotoff/fetch: A Fetch API wrapper elbywan/wretch: A...
JSter #194 - Libraries and more
May 2, 2023
To JavaScript, and beyond Another two weeks has passed and I’ve compiled a list of links below. Libraries aidenybai/hundred - Toy block virtual DOM Pagefind...
JSter #193 - Libraries and more
April 17, 2023
What we do in JavaScript echoes in eternity Another two weeks, another bunch of links to check. Libraries joshmarinacci/node-pureimage - Pure JS...
JSter #192 - Frameworks and more
April 3, 2023
Be careful. JavaScript lurks around every corner. Two weeks went by fast and here's the next batch of JSter links. Frameworks akash-joshi/rocketrpc - A...
JSter #191 - Libraries and more
March 14, 2023
JavaScript, still going strong I'll resume old biweekly schedule with this mailing list for now to see if that makes it easier to maintain. If not, I will...
JSter #190 - Libraries and more
March 2, 2023
JavaScript isn't what you think. It's only three months until Future Frontend conference (6-9.6) in Finland. Exciting times. Libraries ungap/esx - A template...
JSter #189 - Libraries and more
February 3, 2023
In a few years npm will reach ten million packages The JavaScript ecosystem keeps growing at an exponential pace. One day we’ll reach Mars and beyond....
JSter #188 - Libraries and more
January 3, 2023
New year, new JavaScript libraries As a follow-up to React Finland, we’ll organize a new conference called Future Frontend. As you might have guessed from...
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