One Attempt
One Attempt XIV: Origin story
January 3, 2021
Reminder: I’m Josh Rubenoff, a product designer and org culture enthusiast. I use this newsletter to work and think in public. If you’d like to unsubscribe,...
One Attempt XIII: Taking a breath
November 3, 2020
Hi, everyone. Hope you're all doing OK. There are lots of reasons to be anxious or upset right now. I'm going to avoid talking about them here! Not to...
One Attempt 12: [...]
March 22, 2020
Hey, everyone. I hope you’re doing alright. Reminder: I’m Josh Rubenoff, a product designer and org culture enthusiast. I use this newsletter to work and...
One Attempt 11: Josh finds a job
February 11, 2020
Hey everyone: it’s your boy Josh Rubenoff, product designer and org culture enthusiast. Reminder: I use this newsletter to work and think in public. You...
One Attempt X: designing a better form
September 18, 2019
Hey, everyone! Today's newsletter is just about design. I'll try and focus on other topics next week. I’ve had the opportunity to design a few tools for...
One Attempt IX: it doesn't feel so smooth
September 10, 2019
Hi there! Hope you’re all well. I just got back from Portland, where I attended the XOXO Festival. Years ago, I designed my business cards so that I could...
One Attempt VIII: meeting design + David Simon
May 17, 2018
Hello from Oakland! I’m visiting Seattle for the first time tomorrow. Anything I absolutely need to see? I watched Paths of Glory the other night. It’s a...
One Attempt VII: resolutions
May 12, 2018
Hello from Oakland. I apologize for missing the last few weeks. Last Friday, HuffPost published an investigative report alleging 15 years of attempted rape,...
One Attempt VI: mostly lists
April 26, 2018
Hello from Oakland, where I’ve spent three weeks writing and rewriting a single blog post. I’m in this awful loop where I finish 90% of the draft, suddenly...
One Attempt V: imposter syndrome, the movie
April 19, 2018
Hello from Oakland, where I'm amazed I got this newsletter out on time. Resolutions for 2018 include: Watching at least 400 feature films 100 first watches...
One Attempt IV: my rules for using Twitter
April 12, 2018
Hey there! It's been a little over two years since the last issue. I'm going to try and write this on a regular basis. (You’re getting this because you...
One Attempt, Volume 3: How to watch a movie
January 17, 2016
Volume 3 Hey! Hope your New Year’s was swell. It’s been too long. After one too many Apatovian comedies in 2014, I felt like I needed to break out of some...