Update on Augustine Reading group PLUS another chance to read something together.
See below for an update on the Confessions of St. Augustine reading group and a chance to read yet another book together without scheduling yet another virtual meeting...
Wednesdays at 2pm with St. Augustine
Thank you to those who have expressed an interest in joining the Confessions of St. Augustine reading group!
We will meet at 2pm Central on Wednesdays starting on Wednesday, April 8th. No need to read anything before this first meeting. On the call we will talk about what to read for the next week.
Zoom info below.
Confessions of St. Augustine: Wednesdays at 2pm https://zoom.us/j/953709296
Meeting ID: 953 709 296
No pressure to attend if something comes up. St. Augustine and I will still hang out for 30 minutes or so...
It helps if I know who to expect, so please click here to add your name if you plan to regularly attend.
Reading Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis
Are you looking for a theologically-rich intergalactic adventure with a British professor of Philology?
If so, you are invited to join me and some folks from Coram Deo Academy in reading Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis (Book 1 in his Space Trilogy). Read the book and listen along to our new Podcast series that will offer chapter-by-chapter reflections.
Send me your own observations as you read and they might just make their way into the next episode.
Listen to the first episode below, and begin reading Chapters 1-6 of Out of the Silent Planet. Send me your observations before the next episode is released next week.