Today's short break from the news: Old beauty, experienced afresh.
Today’s short break from the news is a beautiful flash mob performance of Ode to Joy.
A few observations and favorite moments before you watch:
First, note the church bells, and the physical location of this flash-mob: as she has for centuries, the Church is almost hosting this beautiful cultural moment.
Next, consider what it is that attracts such a crowd?
Old beauty, experienced afresh.
It reminds me of how St. Augustine once described his own “late in life” conversion:
Late have I loved Thee, O Beauty so ancient and so new.
Finally, as a Priest and educator, it brings me such joy to catch glimpses of children taking off their headphones and climbing lamp posts to catch a better view of the performance.
Pause, and enjoy.
Flashmob Nürnberg 2014 - Ode an die Freude

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