There are (at least) Three Ways to Tech
My latest essay is rooted in the question of how you and your community should approach technology, especially in light of how major tech companies want you to approach their technology.
It features three tech commercials that aired this summer. Each of these commercials reveal one of three distinct approaches to technology embraced by tech companies today.
If you enjoy reading this newsletter, you will probably find the essay interesting.
But even if you don’t continue on to read the essay, I would at least recommend watching these three commercials to see if you can detect the three ways of approaching technology embedded within each.
You can read the full essay here: Update on Coram Deo Academy Dallas
My last newsletter was sent out in the days leading up to Coram Deo’s second round through the Richardson City Council. I am thrilled to share that we were approved unanimously for our special permit! We will close in December, and break ground on roughly twelve months of renovations in January or February. The whole process had its share of disappointments, but it was a real joy to see our community rally in prayer and tangible support!

A Mini Silent Retreat and Bandit’s First Campout
The title just about sums it up. Bandit and I just got back from his first campout and my semi-annual silent retreat. The Jesuit retreat center I have used for previous retreats did not have a room available last night, so I camped out near Muenster, TX. It did not disappoint!