Eat This Newsletter
Eat This Podcast: The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables
January 18, 2021
Hello This is the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, as designated by the United Nations and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization...
Eat This Newsletter 143: Does contain nuts
January 11, 2021
Hello I’m still enjoying the winter break, and hard at work on the next series of podcasts, so here’s another newsletter, for now. The peanut papers Just in...
Eat This Newsletter 142: Happy New Year
January 4, 2021
Hello Of course marking a new year on one specific day is a cultural artefact, and many cultures are doing their best to maintain their own markers. Throwing...
Eat This Newsletter 141: Too good to waste
December 21, 2020
Hello I’ve noticed in the past how, when I am thinking about some topic, I am much more likely to notice things related to that topic, and so it was with...
Eat This Podcast: Oh, poop
December 14, 2020
Hello It’s time to face an uncomfortable fact. After more than 200 episodes devoted in their various ways to what we eat and drink, I’ve never looked at the...
Eat This Newsletter 140: Concentration not needed
December 7, 2020
Hello Once again, I’ve been sipping from the firehose of the internet so you don’t have to. Here’s what I found. Concentrate! More and more of the global...
Eat This Podcast: How the Brits became a nation of tea drinkers
November 30, 2020
Hello When the British East India Company decided to try their hand growing tea in Assam, they came up against one big problem: back home, nobody much liked...
Eat This Newsletter 139: Home work
November 23, 2020
Hello Excuses? I got ‘em. One aspect of working from home can truly bite you when you least expect it, and that is internet access. All week, ours had been...
Eat This Podcast: Where did the chicken cross the road?
November 16, 2020
Hello Not so long ago, the only clues we had to animal domestication came from archaeological digs, and the origin stories they told were vague and...
Eat This Newsletter 138: Deceptive
November 9, 2020
Hello Things aren’t always what they seem. Temporary offers, healthy appearances, artisanal breads, culinary history and edible class signifiers all come...
Eat This Podcast: A Blissful Feast
November 2, 2020
Hello Teresa Lust teaches Italian at the Rassias Center for World Languages of Dartmouth College in New Hampshire and is an acclaimed translator. A Blissful...
Eat This Newsletter 137: Renewal
October 26, 2020
Hello Hoard food, harvest olives and handle a 3000 hectare farm, plus price-fixing and molecular gastronomy. You’re welcome. Food hoarding on a global scale...
Eat This Podcast: We know what whole grain means. Whole grain food? Not so much.
October 19, 2020
Hello This week, the European Parliament will vote whether to ban food labels like “veggie burger“ and “veggie sausage”. Producers of plant-based foods say...
Eat This Newsletter 136: Copious
October 12, 2020
Hello A bumper haul this time around, with a lot of long, informative reads. To be absolutely honest, I don’t have much to say to put any of them in context,...
Eat This Podcast: Coffee leaf rust is bad news
October 5, 2020
Hello That picture is of what one scientist called the vampire of the vegetable world: coffee leaf rust. For me, Ceylon — Sri Lanka — is synonymous with tea....
Eat This Newsletter 135: Viva!
September 28, 2020
Hello Quite a bit of sciencey stuff this time around, and opportunities to point you to previous episodes of the podcast. Let’s get to it. Coffee and terror...
Eat This Podcast: Carême at home in New Zealand
September 21, 2020
Hello I was pleasantly surprised to get an email recently from an intriguing address: Naturally, I had to investigate further, and what I found...
Eat This Newsletter 134: Dated
September 14, 2020
Hello Newsletter items this week are a bit like fondly-remembered London busses; you wait for ages and three arrive at once. Coffee and wet markets get a...
Eat This Podcast: How the chilli conquered China
September 7, 2020
Hello And we’re back, with a scorcher. Szechuan food is hot and spicy, chilli-laden, at least for me. Chilli pepper is firmly established as the most widely...
Eat This Newsletter 133: Entirely whole
August 31, 2020
Hello I’ve enjoyed doing the newsletter every week, and I’m also enjoying arranging and editing forthcoming episodes of the podcast, which will resume next...
Eat This Newsletter 132: Underserved
August 24, 2020
Hello The main conclusion I draw from this week’s selection of goodies that that when you really think about things, they are seldom as simple as others...
Eat This Newsletter 131: Underserved
August 17, 2020
Hello No sooner have I got it into my head that a weekly newsletter is a good thing, especially while I am not actively making podcasts, than the well runs a...
Eat This Newsletter 130: Ghosts
August 10, 2020
Hello Lots of stories today strung together somewhat loosely by the nature of place. The places people are from, the places crop plants are from, the places...
ETN 129: Capital
August 3, 2020
Hello My plan was to lead this issue with the news that foie gras can now be had legally in California, with a link to the episode about foie gras with...
ETN 128: Global concerns
July 27, 2020
Hello I hope you enjoyed the previous edition of Eat This Newsletter. Because I was away, I have a bit of a backlog of stuff I’ve collected, and because I am...
Eat This Newsletter 127: Ingenious solutions
July 20, 2020
Hello Yes, I’ve been away. No, I’m not going to anguish here about all the dead olive trees still littering the landscape of Salento. And though I will...
Eat This Podcast: Coffee, but not as we know it
June 29, 2020
Hello I thought I was pretty savvy about coffee taxonomy knowing that there were two kinds, arabica and robusta. Not surprisingly, perhaps, a research paper...
Eat This Newsletter 126: Hop off
June 22, 2020
Hello Frog legs have never really appealled to me. I can see that they might provide useful protein as well as pest-control services to a rice farmer, but as...
Eat This Podcast: Alexis Soyer: The very model of a modern chef
June 15, 2020
Hello Long before the current crop of celebrity chefs, Alexis Soyer showed how it should be done. He cooked unimaginably luxurious — and expensive — dinners...
Eat This Newsletter 125: Bad apples
June 8, 2020
Hello It has been a difficult couple of weeks, even sitting on the sidelines, trying to listen rather than to speak. However, speak I must, if only to...
Eat This Podcast: Questions of Taste
June 1, 2020
Hello This is the third in a little mini-series on taste. Can we disentangle aspects of gustatory taste that are common to all human beings from those that...
Eat This Newsletter 124: Indigenous
May 18, 2020
Hello Bit of a mixed bag this time, so let’s start with possibly the most useful news of the past two weeks: New test could guarantee the perfect avocado. No...
Eat This Podcast: You are what you drink
May 11, 2020
Or maybe you drink what you are. Hello This is the second episode in my little mini-series on taste. Chad Ludington, author of The Politics of Wine in...
Eat This Newsletter 123: Meat matters
May 4, 2020
Hello Last time I tried hard to find stories that were not about Covid-19. What has emerged clearly, though, is that the disease has suddenly opened people’s...
Eat This Podcast: What is good taste? What tastes good?
April 27, 2020
Hello Can we say anything sensible about taste? Part of me knows that taste is entirely subjective. But another part of me is quite willing to think about...
Eat This Newsletter 122: a series of smooth segues
April 20, 2020
Hello It is all but impossible to avoid Covid stories about food, or anything else. I’ve tried, honest. Other diseases are still around Not to make light of...
Eat This Podcast: The Man Who Tried to Feed the World
April 13, 2020
Hello The Man Who Tried to Feed the World is the title of a new TV documentary about Norman Borlaug, the plant breeder credited with launching the Green...
Eat This Newsletter 121: Ooops. I forgot one of the links.
April 6, 2020
Hello I hope everyone is bearing up. We certainly are, and if my homemade pizza isn’t as good as the stuff we’re accustomed to, well … too bad. At least it...
Eat This Podcast: The true heart of Russian Food
March 30, 2020
Hello Darra Goldstein combines a scholar’s knowledge of history and literature with a cook’s interest in recipes and ingredients. Her latest book took her on...
Eat This Newsletter 120: An opportunity?
March 23, 2020
Hello I’m honestly torn about today’s issue of the newsletter. People are sharing all sorts of tips about how to cook in a time of crisis, some more paranoid...
Eat This Podcast: Remembering the food of the past, no matter how bad it was
March 16, 2020
Hello The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food – published in 1939 – was a complete guide for Soviet citizens. It was both practical and propaganda, with pictures...
Eat This Newsletter 119: Ceci n’est pas une poire
March 9, 2020
Hello Few but good, that’s the underlying narrative for this edition of Eat This Newsletter. Apples and pears A charming story about Isabella dalla Ragione,...
Eat This Podcast: Orange-fleshed sweet potato
March 2, 2020
Hello You can be perfectly well fed, maybe even too well fed, and yet still malnourished. Hidden hunger reflects a lack of essential micronutrients in the...
Eat This Newsletter 118: Toot toot
February 24, 2020
Hello Maybe it’s because I have now been at this lark for almost seven years, but everything I see as I wander the interwebs seems to relate to something...
Eat This Podcast: Another cup of coffee culture
February 17, 2020
Hello The UK was not a big coffee drinker for quite a while after the first proper espresso machines made their appearance in Soho. Not so the United States,...
Eat This Newsletter 117: Old and new
February 10, 2020
Hello I’ve been doing a bit of an early spring clean in some of the places where I keep lists of things I want to read at some point, and in the process...
Eat This Podcast: Coffee culture in Italy and England
February 3, 2020
Hello Why is this man having a shave while he is being served a cappuccino? Because he has time. The coffee is so hot it is going to take a while to reach...
Eat This Newsletter 116: Eat well
January 27, 2020
Eat well to do good Hello Veganuary is almost over, for those partaking, and my offerings this week briefly reflect the hot water carnivory has got itself...
Eat This Podcast: A spurtle makes a superior stirrer
January 20, 2020
Hello With a bag of porridge oats in my baggage, I set off for Georgetown University and a date with science. What we discovered, thanks to the efforts of Dr...
Eat This Newsletter 115: Chewy bonus
December 30, 2019
Some things to chew on Hello I know I said I was going to take a holiday break, but it turns out I couldn’t keep away. Mostly that’s because I have no desire...
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