A warm newsletter
66: Taking pleasure in writing
May 13, 2021
My new structure for my newsletter at the start of this year was an attempt to improve my writing. My theory was that by writing about the same thing, and by...
65: Collaboration in Hyperspace
April 29, 2021
I want to talk about some things that have been on my mind as I’ve been implementing collaborative editing in Hyperspace this past week. It’s been a lovely...
64: A short hiatus
April 8, 2021
Hi everyone! I'm going to be taking 3 weeks off from this newsletter and returning on the 28th. I stretched myself a little too far with these last couple...
63: Questions about Regulation
April 1, 2021
What constraints if any would it be useful for society to put on the production and use of digital technologies? Yep, this next newsletter batch is going to...
62: Hearing God
March 25, 2021
In these last newsletters I’ve been talking about prayer as a conversation with God. I’ve kind of skirted around the question of what you’re actually talking...
61: Knowing Prayer
March 18, 2021
To roughly summarize last week's newsletter, prayer is talking to God. Thus far, I've mainly been talking about spontaneous, conversational prayer. The kind...
60: Talking to God
March 11, 2021
Over the last couple of years I’ve been learning more about meditation and feel like I have a decently stable understanding of “how it works”. Roughly, it’s...
59: Thinking about Prayer
March 4, 2021
If you’re new to this newsletter, or just reading this one after a while, hi! I usually write about technology and learning here, and in Season 2 I’m...
58: Personal Logic
February 25, 2021
The vast majority of applications today share a simple architecture. You have your “app” which encodes a whole bunch of “business logic”. Your users interact...
57: Asking the real questions
February 18, 2021
Okay assume this whole personal database thing works out, and I end up with a lil db stuffed full of information. Well, now I need to query it. I can use...
56: Some Facts about Facts
February 11, 2021
My project for the next couple of weeks is implementing a personal database. I want it to store information about the things I read, the thoughts I’m...
55: A database for me
February 4, 2021
Alright well I held off for the first one so y’all would think I’ve turned a new leaf, but, as world the keeps turn, I’m back on my bullshit. My next 4...
54: Seasons and Infinite Games
January 28, 2021
“A Finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play” James Carse, Finite and Infinite Games It seems...
53: Playing Together
January 21, 2021
First a meta note. When I was designing the game that is this newsletter I really messed up with the difficulty curve. Week three comes at you fast. Last...
52: Difficulty modes and learning
January 14, 2021
Two of my favorite games of the last couple years, Celeste and Hades, have had very well considered difficulty systems. Changing the difficulty is nothing...
51: Gameplan for Season 2!
January 7, 2021
Hello again! If you've been with us a bit, nice to see you again, and if you've just tuned in welcome! It's Season Two 1, of this weekly newsletter,...
50: Looking Back Part 2
December 14, 2020
Hello! This is the last newsletter I’ll be writing this year. It’s a little recap of what I’ve been writing about, and how it’s been. I’ve been thinking a...
49: Looking Back Part 1
December 7, 2020
Update on the end of year plans for this newsletter: Next week will be last for the year and I'll start back up some time in January, perhaps the first week...
48: One thing well
November 30, 2020
My little prototype of a information management tool is coming together. My apologies if that description means absolutely nothing to you, “a note-taking...
47: Remarkable Futures
November 23, 2020
A Remarkable Review I love e-ink. It manages to be both an infinitely malleable abstract display, and an object, something that exists in continuitiy with...
46: Getting to usable
November 16, 2020
My goal for this next week is to make this prototype usable. It's almost there honestly, but there a couple elements missing that will make me feel properly...
45: Documents and Programs
November 9, 2020
Following one with the theme of last week, my work on this little note-taking tool prototype hasn't been the most practical, but it has been fun. Moving...
44: Having some fun
November 2, 2020
I’m having a hard time writing this newsletter because I’ve just been having so much fun hacking on this little prototype. Since one of my goals for this...
43: Designing like Games
October 26, 2020
Okay, so I did make that prototype I promised I would last week, but it’s still a little raw, so I don’t think I’ll be exposing it to the (few) eyes here...
42: Stuck in the MUD
October 19, 2020
Over the last week I’ve been puzzling over the ideas around MUDs I was talking about in https://awarm.space/newsletter/40-roguelikes a couple weeks ago. As a...
41: Looking back on Fathom
October 12, 2020
I started working at ConsenSys four years ago this week. Fathom actually started a little bit earlier than that but that's when it became something real and...
40: Internet homes made of MUD
October 5, 2020
This weekend was the Rougelike Celebration. It’s a conference around roguelikes, a video game genre with a long winded history/defintion that happens to be...
39: Internet Learning Homesteading
September 28, 2020
We’re two and a half weeks into Internet Homesteading. It’s one of the first courses we’re running hyperlink.academy, but it’s special to me for a couple...
37: Diverse Distributed Databases
September 21, 2020
Following my gut from last week, I experimented a little this week with Cloudflare workers, making a tiny app Feel free to play around with it, it's not much...
37: Colliding Spatial Ideas
September 14, 2020
Last week I talked about how I've shifted from expressing my values through the technology I use to expressing it in communion with the people I work with....
36: Retreating to values
September 7, 2020
This is going to be a bit of a short one as we (the hyperlink team) just got back from our first retreat, and I am pooped. One of the things you talk about...
35: A self verifying todo list
August 31, 2020
This week I wrote myself a self-verifying todo list. Inspired by the loops of last week, I wanted to create a system that would keep me in the loop of...
34: Looping
August 24, 2020
This edition of A Warm Newsletter revolves around loops. Specifically, three different loops: a video game loop, a learning loop, and a software development...
33: Terminals aren't terminal
August 17, 2020
I returned this week to a previous take on fancynote: a command-line application. 1 I’m surprised it’s taken me this long to get to it honestly, I’ve always...
32: Taking Stock
August 10, 2020
So we launched hyperlink.academy on Tuesday! It’s a whole mix of feelings to realize that this is the first anything in the fathom lineage that’s actually...
31: Making a course
August 3, 2020
Hello! I regret to say that I have not quite gotten what I wanted to done for fancynote. Instead the end of this week has been a bit of a rush to get things...
30: Walking before you runtime
July 27, 2020
This week I actually used Fancynote, in both ways it's meant to be used, for writing and programming. Both experiences were just successful enough to keep me...
29: Lifelogging on the log
July 20, 2020
My goal for this week was to get fancynote “good enough” to write my daily journal with it. I’ve had the journal on and off since 2018, but really clicked in...
28: Interfaces and Running out of Yaks
July 13, 2020
If you’re new to this newsletter, it’s currently chronicling my attempt at building my own thinking infrastructure, which happens to be a perfect way to yak-...
27: Cut one feature down, another rises in it's place
July 6, 2020
This week I finished implementing the append-only-log architecture I laid out two weeks ago. That turnaround isn’t bad, especially considering I only work on...
26: Progress and APIs
June 29, 2020
After the high of last week's design breakthrough1 I now am trapped in the lightning sand of API usage and design. If you're just joining now this is A Warm...
25: Append-only notetaking
June 22, 2020
Today I'd like to talk to you about append-only logs, the simple data-structure behind some of the coolest peer-to-peer systems out there today. Then I'd...
24: Digging into some programming history
June 15, 2020
Last weekend I noticed a slew of fascinating papers pop up all over the place. I’d started searching for information on a couple different programming...
23: Implementing a map function
June 8, 2020
Last week I set myself two very vague goals: 1. Add a compiler to fancynote, i.e execute some kind of code in a notes file 2. Write an essay based on prompts...
22: Chugging along, looping with repls
June 1, 2020
Okay a first take at this new “worklog” style newsletter. What’s happening with Hyperlink.academy This week we “pushed to master” with the new...
21: What's Next
May 26, 2020
So to recap, last week I decided to go back to the project that started off this newsletter, Fancynote. Being incredibly dim, I decided to do this right as...
20: Getting back to plain text
May 19, 2020
What ever happened to Fancynote? The very first issue of this newsletter was about Fancynote, “a silly editor”. It was to be my tool for thought. A general...
19: Why my website's built with react
May 12, 2020
Warning: this is a bit of a technical one. Nerdery about web frameworks lies ahead. A couple days ago Tom MacWright1 published this article: Second-guessing...
18: Digital learning environments, Monome and Emacs
May 5, 2020
As I build the hyperlink.academy website, and we start to get specific about what it's going to look like, I've been drawing inspiration from other learning...
17: Tasks, Linetime, and Timelines
April 28, 2020
Hi all. This is an edition of A Warm Newsletter, written by me, Jared, about the things that I’m thinking about. This week I’m writing about task management....
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