SEO Tips from Jaaved
SEO Rant incoming!
July 31, 2023
Someone asked John Mueller this question: "does keyword research help SEO" This is the precise kind of asinine thinking in SEO that needs to get in the bin....
5 SEO distractions 4 U!
July 17, 2023
I know there's a lot going on in SEO land right now. It can feel overwhelming. I get it. I'm also looking at SEO with one eyebrow raised. From AI to ChatGPT...
Spreading link love, internally
July 10, 2023
Most sites suffer from slow load times. Slow is, of course, somewhat, subjective. But no site is perfect and there's always going to be reasons for this. So...
Why I stay working in SEO
July 3, 2023
Most people will readily tell you how you got started in their line of work. But most don't tell you why they stay in it. And it's not just to pay the bills...
Stop worrying about links
June 26, 2023
Some of you are fixating on links like rabid dogs. Seriously, stop it. It's not healthy. You need to get back to basics and making sure your site is actually...
18 months later, 10 more things I've learnt
June 12, 2023
What's good? Back in March 2022, I sent out an email with 10 things I learnt from running my own online store. I sent it after just 3 months of operations....
"get new material"
June 5, 2023
"Why should I bother paying you to do this when I can do it myself?" Why indeed. This was the question posed to me by a prospective client. This happened...
Is SEO dead now?
May 15, 2023
What's good? So if you've been paying attention, it's been quite a week in tech. AI is absolutely devouring everyone and everything. And consuming our brains...
I lost subscribers last week :(
May 8, 2023
I lost 2 subscribers after last week's email. That's a big deal, when you have a small list like mine. It's also a big deal when you maintain a 50%+ open...
3 SEO things you're probably screwing up
May 3, 2023
What's good? Ok so - I've done a few big SEO audits lately. What surprises me is how bad their SEO is. What doesn't surprise me is that they're all different...
This week's SEO RIOT! π₯
April 24, 2023
What's good? Once again, the SEO world is on fire. Because of something Google said. Nothing new, really. Us SEO folks are fickle and a bunch of turncoats -...
I got some creative content ideas you can borrow
April 17, 2023
What do you do when you: see keywords that stick out like a sore thumbknow you have to capitalise on thembut don't want to break the law and/or the back of...
What I learnt hunting for Shopify stores
April 11, 2023
What's good? So I'm knee deep in SEO right now. That shouldn't be a surprise for an SEO consultant, right? Of course. But this is a little different. I'm...
Did you get hit with an algo update recently?
April 4, 2023
It's a simple question with even simpler answers: Yes, send helpNo, we goodI have no idea Reply with a number and let me know. Google's been on a rampage...
Do you need to lose weight?
March 28, 2023
I bet you do. We all do. No this isnβt fat shaming or body negativity. We all need to get into better shape. And how do we do that? We eat better, we move...
It's been forever and a day.
March 20, 2023
I seem to make a habit of ghosting you, don't I? Sorry. But I promise, this has been a legitimate leave of absence. So let me cut to the chase: I started a...
The ONE SEO thing that is killing your rankings right now.
August 30, 2022
What's the first thing you notice about a website? Is it the logo / branding? Is it the nav menu? Is it the imagery? If you didn't say 'how quickly the page...
SEO is forever
August 22, 2022
You can't change my mind. SEO is not a once-off. SEO is not something you set and forget. SEO is not a casual fling. As long as you have something that needs...
SEO - a one time only thing?
July 27, 2022
People seem to think that SEO is a one thing thing. Like, you set it and forget it. And then everything just works. Forever and ever. Nothing could be...
Everyone needs SEO. This isn't a debate.
July 16, 2022
Let me be super real with you folks. Everyone needs SEO in their life. SEO is important to every website in every way. No matter your industry, no matter how...
5 SEO myths, CRUSHED!
July 5, 2022
It's time for me to be real with you on all things SEO. There's always going to be cowboys spreading misinformation, sadly. But there's always going to be...
What makes SEO so much fun?
June 28, 2022
So the other day I was asked why I chose SEO and what makes it so special. I kinda fell into SEO unintentionally. But then made the conscious decision to...
Recession? Don't stop your marketing!
June 22, 2022
OK so these are apparently some challenging times. Not necessarily 'uncertain' times (if you remember when covid hit). But no doubt there's a lot of nervous...
Enough with the vanity metrics!
June 1, 2022
It's time to let go of those vanity metrics you keep chasing. They only feed you a false sense of success. All of these things can be GAMED. As in, they can...
What's BookTok and why did TikTok make me buy that?
May 27, 2022
I remember in the early days of Facebook, how every conversation I ever had with anyone, always included mentions of Facebook. It was like a comma - the word...
Simple SEO things
May 18, 2022
A lot of SEO folks reminisce about the good old days. Back when SEO was "simple". Was it really simple though? Yes and no. You didn't need to do as much and...
Have you eaten your SEO frog today?
May 10, 2022
"eat the frog" I first heard this about 13 years ago. I was talking to my wife (then fiancee) about how I didn't want to call these high maintenance clients...
Is your business like an 8am lecture?
May 2, 2022
Let me tell you about a person by the name of Ross Simmonds. If you're in the SEO / Content space, you'll no doubt know who he is. Ross is an excellent SEO...
Do you care about DuckDuckGo, Bing and Yahoo?
April 25, 2022
So you know how I have an online store selling personalised baby gifts? Almost all traffic is from Google, as expected. Google is #1 in the UAE where we're...
5 quick SEO tips for the weekend (yes it's the 3rd email this week!)
April 22, 2022
Lucky you! 3 emails in 1 week after a month of silence. I couldn't help myself. I just had to send out more emails. I got inspired! This one is short though,...
How to not write content for the sake of it
April 21, 2022
So you know how I hadn't emailed you in a month, because I had nothing of value to share? I wasn't lying. I drew a blank and couldn't think of anything to...
Don't believe the backlink hype!
April 20, 2022
The last time I emailed you was 1 month ago. I've been a bit preoccupied (sorry). But, the gap between emails has been somewhat deliberate. The reason for...
SEO: a personal email
March 16, 2022
Ok I'm sorry. This was meant to be a personal email tying in my passion for SEO with the current conflict that's occupying the media with loads of good SEO...
10 things I've learnt from my own online just 3 months
March 8, 2022
I've been running my own online store for just over 3 months. I should correct that: I'm running it with my wife. And that's an important distinction. Not...
Do you love UTM parameters?! Do you know attribution?
February 24, 2022
Let me tell you something folks. If you want to make better decisions with your digital marketing, you have to learn about attribution. There's a lot of...
It's been a hot SEO minute!
January 31, 2022
What's good?! I'll tell you: people emailing me to start sending my emails again. It was less than 5 people mind you. But I was surprised! Even Justin (the...
SEO tips: I've launched a new business! π±
November 29, 2021
So I've launched an online store. Of my own. With my wife. And let me tell you, it's a next level thrill. I know how to market websites. I don't know how to...
I have some news...
October 27, 2021
Hey, I have some news for you. At the end of 2021, I will be shutting down this newsletter. It's been fun and I put a lot of theory into practice. But it's...
π βοΈ [SEO] Some cold hard truths about linkbuilding
October 25, 2021
Linkbuilding is a funny thing. It's such a controversial topic, in its own way. Some argue that it should be two words. Some say it's fine as one. Some...
π no one can find your website
October 18, 2021
I should say, no one can find your website easily. That's the difference. The reasons are many but it is both technical and non-technical. The technical...
SEO Tip: Wu-Tang and yesterday's outage!
October 5, 2021
Ok so you know that Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp stopped yesterday. It was out of action for me for a few hours. Some have had issues for less time, but...
SEO tips: does my domain matter?
October 4, 2021
I get asked about domains a lot, and what impact it will have in terms of SEO. The classic SEO response is: it depends. I always recommend a ccTLD (country...
Weekend SEO tip!
September 23, 2021
Here's an abstract nugget of SEO advice for you. Is your business present on multiple social media platforms? Chances are you have a presence on at least 3...
SEO tips: Rename your PDFs!
September 16, 2021
Ola! I was browsing the website of a popular restaurant chain in the UK and was keen on their menu. They had different menus for each location so I chose...
SEO Advice - Keep the receipts!
September 5, 2021
You know that famous ship repairman story? The one where a ship engine had failed and no one could fix it. The one where an old but experienced repairman was...
SEO internship, title tags and me being LAZY
August 23, 2021
Ola! Itβs been a while. I could ply you with all sorts of excuses but honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I just got a bit lazy. I did have other legit...
SEO interns, title tags and me being lazy
August 23, 2021
Ola! It's been a while. I could ply you with all sorts of excuses but honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I just got a bit lazy. I did have other legit...
π Do you want ecommerce SEO tips?
July 13, 2021
Iβm putting the finishing touches to an ecommerce SEO guide. And everyone can benefit. Even if you donβt run an online store, itβs got enough for you to...
π You're not making an effort. And it shows.
July 5, 2021
You know why youβre not getting anywhere? Itβs because of effort. And the complete and utter lack of it. I know I know, the AUDACITY. But hear me out. I...
[SEO tips]: When a spade isn't a spade
June 7, 2021
When it comes to your keyword list, are you thinking beyond the obvious? Let's say you run an online store selling things for men like wallets, bags,...
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