Summer Courses 2022 | CF 1.2E (April 2022)
Communiqué Farel
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Summer Courses 2022
Enrolment is open for the summer 2022 trimester through the website of our partner, the Faculté de Théologie Évangélique. The summer term starts on May 2.
Please note that our director, Jacques Boulet, will be teaching the course entitled Theology of the Reformation, an advanced course based on primary source readings and focusing on Luther and Calvin.

Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Here is the list of courses (English titles given):
- Theological English – Jeanne Djaballah
- Pauline Litterature : 2 Corinthians – Pierre Constant
- Leadership in the church – David Rowley
- Family in Christian Perspective – Ofelia Bejarano
- History and Principles of Professing Churches – Sylvain Aharonian
- Theology of the Reformation – Jacques Boulet
- Contextual Theology – McTair Wall
To see the schedule and a full course description, click here.
To see the course syllabi, click here.
Biblical Meditation
None of the men who have seen my glory and my signs that I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and yet have put me to the test these ten times and have not obeyed my voice, shall see the land that I swore to give to their fathers. And none of those who despised me shall see it. (Numbers 14:22-23)
The Lord speaks strong words. Israel has just come out of Egypt, where they saw the God of Jacob make sport of the greatest nation of the ancient world and its gods. Now, on the edge of the promised land, the same Israelites are afraid of the Canaanites, relative nobodies.
They have no faith because they do not remember God’s mighty deeds. Or, perhaps more accurately, they lack faith because they do not lean on their experience of God in the past to trust God in the present. What God has done once, he can do again.
I have been in this role of director for one year now, and I am as convinced as ever that it is the Lord Himself who must accomplish the great task of Christian mission. It can be tempting to look at our smallness, lose hope, and then give up. At such times, it is important to allow our memory of God’s mighty deeds to propel a renewed faith into action.
In the past year, the Lord answered our prayers in big ways. We had prepared for a deficit, but God provided everything we needed and more. We prayed for more workers, and God sent us Bernard Westerveld. And so, we trust in the Lord. What God has done once, he can do again.
Jacques Boulet, PhD
Director of Farel