Fall Courses 2022 | CF 1.3E (July 2022)
Communiqué Farel
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Fall Courses 2022
The course schedule for the fall term is now available through the website of our partner, the Faculté de Théologie Évangélique. Please note the following dates:
- Registration for the fall opens on August 8
- Classes begin on September 6
A member of the Farel team, Jacques Boulet, will teach Introductory Greek I.

This is what Martin Luther had to say about the value of the biblical languages:
For the devil smelled a rat, and perceived that if the languages were revived a hole would be knocked in his kingdom which he could not easily stop up again. Since he found he could not prevent their revival, he now aims to keep them on such slender rations that they will of themselves decline and pass away. They are not a welcome guest in his house, so he plans to offer them such meager entertainment that they will not prolong their stay. Very few of us, my dear sirs see through this evil design of the devil.1
Here is the list of courses (titles translated to English):
- Pentateuch and Historical Books – Jean Maurais
- Conflict Resolution – Paul Millemann
- Introductory Greek I – Jacques Boulet
- Greek Readings from the New Testament – Philippe Bonicel
- Hebrew Readings from the Old Testament – Jean Maurais
- Church History I – Paul Millemann
- Preparation for Theological Studies – Jeanne Djaballah et Alaina Di Staulo-Garcia
- Methodology – Dan Timmer
- Christian Ethics – Amar Djaballah
- Theology of the New Testament – Dominique Angers
- Homiletics I – Dominique Angers
- Pastoral Ministry – Jean Zoellner et Franky Narcisse
- The Church and Missions – McTair Wall
To see the course schedule and the course descriptions, click here.
To see the course syllabi, click here.
The Launch of Our First Mini-Course
New Platform Mini-Cours Farel
We are pleased to announce our first mini-course on our new platform Mini-Cours Farel, a self-paced online mini-course of about 3 hours.
Self-Learner for God
The course Autodidacte pour Dieu, prepared by Etienne Omnès of Parlafoi.fr, will teach you how to study for yourself when you are neither a student nor an academic, in the context of an ordinary life. It outlines the kind of habits we need to develop, the resources we need to know how to choose, and the learning tools we need to use to best develop our intellect for God, whatever our life may be. Here is the introduction to the course:

Introduction au mini-cours « Autodidacte pour Dieu » - YouTube
Étienne Omnès, blogueur sur le site Parlafoi.fr, nous présente le premier mini-cours de Farel intitulé Autodidacte pour Dieu.Ce cours vous enseignera comment…
How to Register
To register for this free course, you will need to create an account on the Mini-Cours Farel platform.
We have prepared instructions on our website.
Our Website Is Now Bilingual
You can now more easily share Farel’s mission with your English-speaking friends!
Our website www.farel.net is now available in English for those who prefer to read in English. To change the site’s language, use the language switcher at the top of the page.
Thank you for your support, friendship and prayers
Jacques Boulet, PhD
Director of Farel