Communiqué Farel | CF-3.3 E (June 2024)
June 2024
I'm privileged to share some encouraging news that will fuel your prayers of gratitude.
Graduated, but still a student!
Ny Aina Randriamanga surrounded by the Farel professorial team: Jean Zoellner, Bernard Westerveld, Jacques Boulet.
We would like to congratulate Ny Aina Randriamanga, a student associated with Farel, who has completed the Certificate in Biblical Studies. Originally from Madagascar, Ny Aina emigrated to Quebec with his wife, Idealisoa, and their two children. Feeling a call to serve God and His Church, he began studying theology at the FTE.
His pastoral training is not finished. Ny Aina is continuing his studies towards a bachelor's degree in theology. We are grateful to accompany this brother in his training and his discernment of the Lord's call.
Learning from the Reformers
Why does the Church exist? What is its message? Where does its authority come from? These questions from the 16th century remain relevant today. This is why the course I teach on Reformation theology at the Faculté de Théologie Évangélique is one of my favorites. In a seminar format, we read the works of the Reformers, especially Martin Luther and John Calvin, and discuss their current significance.
Of course, the Reformers were not perfect. In our readings, we admire Luther's courage and genius, but are sometimes disappointed by his combative style or certain theological conclusions. It is up to us to determine, using the Bible as our guide, what aspects of the Reformers should be imitated and what should not.
In all things, however, we must keep our eyes fixed on the God of the Reformers, the sovereign and almighty God who is also our God. If God once transformed a continent and even the whole world using imperfect men, surely, he can do it again. Perhaps we will have the privilege of participating in his work of renewal? The reformation of the Church is constant: semper reformanda!
Courses taught by the Farel team
For over five years, we have been developing our partnership with the Faculté de Théologie Évangélique [(FTE). We are very grateful for its leadership team which is constantly striving to raise academic standards, improve the pedagogical approach, and ensure Scripturally faithful content for the Quebec missionary context.
Thanks to this partnership, Farel is privileged to teach specifically Reformed courses: Reformed Confessions, Reformed Ecclesiastical Principles, Reformed Worship, Covenant Theology and the Sacraments, etc. These courses are advertised and offered to over 240 FTE students.
At the same time, our Farel professors teach other courses that contribute to the FTE program: Pastoral Ministry, Urbanization and Evangelization, Biblical Languages; Old Testament Theology; Reformation Theology. We are also invited to prepare other courses: Christian Education for Children and Teens, Youth Ministry, Christian Education for Adults, Patristic Theology. This academic collaboration is a key element of our commitment to our Lord's mission in Quebec.
We are grateful for your prayers and support in bringing this partnership to life.
Bernard Westerveld, MTh, DThP (candidat)
Directeur, professeur