Communiqué Farel | CF 2.3E (July 2023)
News for Your Prayers
With thankfulness in our hearts for your interest, love and support of the Reformed mission to Quebec, we would like to bring you up to date on three news items for your prayers.
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Fall Courses 2023
"This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood."
– Jesus (Luke 22:20)
We are excited by the slate of excellent courses being offered this fall by our partner institution, Faculté de théologie évangélique. While collaborating with an evangelical institution sometimes raises the question "How reformed are they?", we are pleased to note that the class in systematic theology includes among its required reading the excellent work of Reformed theologian, Paul Wells, La grâce (étonnante) de Dieu. Une théologie biblique et systématique de l'alliance (The Surprising Grace of God. A Biblical and Systematic Theology of the Covenant).
Farel professor, Jacques Boulet, will teach introductory New Testament Greek, as well as elementary Hebrew. Daniel Timmer, from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, will be teaching the Writings of the Old Testament.
As part of the Farel curriculum, Bernard Westerveld will teach an advanced theology class on the covenant and the sacraments. The course begins by tracing the unfolding covenant of grace in Christ. Students will explore the covenantal basis for infant baptism using the classic defence written by Pierre C. Marcel, L'alliance de grâce. (Please do not judge the book by its cover!) The consummation of the covenant promises will be displayed in the Lord's Supper, the foretaste of the eternal communion with our covenant Lord.
Pray for faithful instruction, as well as for students eager to delve into the depths of scriptural truth.
Elder Training
We need more elders to serve the local congregations of the Église réformée du Québec (ÉRQ - Reformed Church of Quebec). Although this semester I am teaching a course on the history, fraternal relations, and ecclesiastical polity of the ÉRQ, the material is university level intended for future pastors.
In order to assist the ÉRQ churches, I am using my course material to develop online training sessions for new elders. Each capsule, available on the Farel Mini-courses website, includes a reading assignment, a video presentation, and questions for reflection and discussion. Local consistories may use them to prepare men for ordination or to provide continuing education for active elders and pastors.
Your gifts make it possible to offer not only seminary classes, but also these mini-training sessions. Lord willing, over the next years, we'll add a wider variety of online courses in Reformed faith and life focused on the Quebec mission.
Calling Men to the Noble Task
One essential element of the Farel mission is to train men to proclaim the Gospel. As I travel and visit churches throughout Canada, I am keenly aware of the need for more Gospel preachers. On several occasions, when asked to preach, I have called men to the noble task of overseer -- pastor, evangelist, missionary and teachers (1 Timothy 3:1). Join us in praying earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest (Luke 10:2).
Thank you for your support, fellowship, and prayers.
Bernard Westerveld, DThP (candidate)
Director of Farel