Communiqué Farel | 1.4E (November 2022)
News for Your Prayers
In this newsletter
- Jacques Morin Approved to Preach the Word
- In Memory of Philip Choinière-Shields
- Reformed Literature in French
- Exchanging Hats
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Greetings in the name of Christ who gives preachers to his church,
This letter brings you news of a Farel student preparing for the ministry, as well as a former student who has been received into glory. However, the hope of the Gospel remains the same: we belong, body and soul, in life and in death, to our faithful Saviour Jesus Christ. What a blessing to confess the eternal comfort taught in the Heidelberg Catechism! We are teaching that same Gospel hope to French-speaking believers throughout Quebec and the world.
Jacques Morin Approved to Preach the Word

With gratitude to the Head of the Church, the delegates of the Reformed Church of Quebec (Église réformée du Québec, ERQ) have granted Jacques Morin the privilege of preaching the Word in our congregations while he finishes his studies. After a very serious illness, Jacques has resumed his studies at the FTÉ (Faculté de théologie Évangélique) where he hopes to complete the Reformed courses offered by Farel.
Jacques was raised in the faith by his mother, a member of a Baptist church. As a young adult, he struggled with many questions about biblical teachings, including the assurance of salvation. He was converted to the Reformed doctrine of salvation. After spending a few years in a Reformed Baptist congregation, Jacques became convinced that the doctrine of the covenant required the baptism of children belonging to believing parents. He later moved to St. George where he joined the Reformed Church.
For his examination before the ERQ synod, Jacques preached on the hope of the resurrection (1 Cor. 15.21-23), an uplifting message for all who were present to hear him. In response to questions about his biblical knowledge, Jacques shared his love of the Scriptures. The Bible is a work of art. There is always more beauty to discover.
It is in prayer and through additional courses offered by Farel that we will accompany Jacques in his training as a servant of Christ and his Church.
In Memory of Philip Choinière-Shields

On July 1st, Philip Choinière-Shields suddenly joined his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Philip was a devoted Christian, a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) and a long-time participant in the life of the ERQ. He was even a student of Farel.
We met Philip, Helene, and their children near the end of 2005 at the Reformed Church of Laval. What a generous, sociable, and welcoming family who love people. We have always remained good friends and have even had the opportunity to work together and study (especially Hebrew) together at Farel. Throughout these years, we have had the comfort of knowing that our friend Philip was praying for us and was there to help us.
With the support of wife Helene, Philip had a missionary heart. He wanted to see Quebecers and other French-speaking people come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and participate in the establishment of a solid Reformed Church in Quebec. His confidence was in Jesus Christ his Savior. How he loved the Holy Scriptures and singing the Psalms! How he loved the fact that the Lord, in His providence, brought people from all walks of life and cultures into his life in Montreal!
(Text written by Alexandre Grondin)
Reformed Literature in French
Part of the Farel mission is publishing Reformed literature in the French language. We are thankful for two recent publications.
- Popular commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism. Pastor Kevin DeYoung wrote The Good News We Almost Forgot to reintroduce this classic statement of the Christian faith to his Reformed congregation. We are praying that this same book will introduce believers of all backgrounds to the richness of Reformed instruction. (Check out this evangelical website in France that publishes a new question and answer every week.)

- Honest Evangelism was written by pastor Rico Tice, founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. Tice wrote for evangelism in Europe, a mission context similar to Quebec. Pray that this work would encourage us all to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Exchanging Hats
Dr. Jacques Boulet and I have exchanged hats. After having served as director of Farel for eighteen months, Jacques realized that the administrative tasks did not agree with his gifts and personality. At the board’s request, I now fill the roles of director and professor. While Jacques continues taking care of several technical details (thank you!), he will focus on teaching biblical languages. Jacques is developing new tools to help students enjoyably learn Hebrew and Greek.
We trust that this letter will fuel your prayers for the Reformed mission in the province of Quebec.
In his service,
Bernard Westerveld, MTh, DMin (candidate)
Director, professor
Farel Institute for Reformed Theology
Ps. I wish to express my appreciation to several churches and individuals who received me for a visit as I share the Farel Reformed mission. If you wish to better understand the essential work that Farel does in training men for the Gospel ministry, you may listen to my sermon based on 2 Timothy 2.2: Handing on the Preaching of the Word.