Start 2024 with a special Inkcap retreat
Dear friends,
Though I still think in terms of academic years more than calendar years, I welcome the new year—and especially the quiet, dark days of midwinter—as a time to reflect and imagine, to look back and look ahead.
This year, I'd like to invite you all to share in that reflection. Join me for a virtual retreat to remind ourselves of the year we've had—to celebrate all we've accomplished, grieve what we may have lost or let go of, and recognize how we have grown. Then, we'll turn the page to imagine what we hope to see from the year ahead.
I will offer two sessions:
Wednesday, January 10, 2-5pm EST
Friday, January 19, 10am-1pm EST
You can register for either session here. Both will have the same structure and content, and I invite you to pay what you wish. If you have professional development funding from your institution, for instance, your support would be deeply appreciated and will help make future gatherings possible.

In my own reflections, I've been thinking about the way this community has grown, changed, shapeshifted over the past couple of years. As I prepare for the year ahead, I'll be thinking about what shapes the Collective might take on in 2024. I love that it is a space of indeterminacy, a space that doesn't have specific outcomes or funding mandates or administrative expectations on it. It's an indulgence, but a much needed one—the kind that creates more space to breathe.
And that's the last you'll hear from me for 2023. As we in the northern hemisphere head into the long, dark nights of the winter solstice, I hope that we can all find delight, even in the darkness. And then we have the joy of knowing that the sun will begin to return.
Warmest wishes,