Reminder! Submissions due Friday for special JEP issue, "On Gathering"
Dear friends,
I'm writing with a quick reminder that submissions are due this Friday, December 15, for the Inkcap/JEP special issue, On Gathering. I've received some wonderfully interesting submissions already and am excited to see what else comes in throughout the week. More info below!
On Gathering: Exploring Collective and Embodied Modes of Scholarly Communications and Publishing.
How does our thinking change when we come together in different ways? How do you cite the seed of an idea sparked over coffee in a hotel lobby?

Abstracts are due Dec 15 (via email), with full submissions to follow in April. Creative & collaborative submissions most welcome. Please submit & share widely!
See the full CFP for details:
Upcoming New Year's Retreat
I'll write later this week with information about a special Inkcap retreat for reflection and planning as we enter a new year. It will likely be the week of Jan 8 or Jan 15 (after MLA; lmk if you'll be in Philadelphia so we can connect in three dimensions!). More soon—stay tuned.
Until then, wishing you all a little bit of calm in the midst of a busy time of year.
PS: I'm exploring how to make the work of Inkcap Collective financially sustainable. I feel weird about that! But if I am advocating for the worth of others' labor, I know I need to do it for myself as well. You'll notice a little virtual tip jar at the bottom of emails now. There's absolutely no obligation and I promise not to get spammy about it. <3