Replacing jQuery Soup with this tiny library - Code with Hugo - Mar 3rd 2020
Welcome to the 67th Edition of the Code with Hugo newsletter about JavaScript, Node.js & Enteprise patterns.
Here are 3 links I think are worth your time this week,
AlpineJS is well-suited for building widgets and easily creating client-side experiences for websites that are mainly server-side rendered or static. It's perfect for little widgets, here's how to run said widgets inside of a React (3 min read):
A reference to what you should be putting into your HTML head (5 min read):
A CEO’s Experience Taking the New AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam Online Exam (4 min read):
Fun quote/Tweet, words of wisdom on "todo"'s in code by Dan Abramov:
This month read Mindf*ck: Inside Cambridge Analytica's Plot to Break the World, here's a summary/notes/learnings writeup:
From the architect behind Cambridge Analytica's setup, a look behind the scenes at what has and can be done using data from social networks, cutting edge psychology and severe lack of oversight.
The note to legislators at the end of the book made me sit up and realise that politics and the government lack tech-literacy and therefore struggle and will keep struggling to regulate the tech industry.
I've joked around with peers before that we call ourselves "engineers" but don't have a professional certification body like a civil engineer would, certainly certifications or just a governing body would help avoid privacy calamities like Cambridge Analytica managed with Facebook data.
That's all for this week, stay tuned for more JavaScript tips to help you get stuff done.