Node.js REST API Setup with Express, Postgres and Docker - Code with Hugo - Apr 24th 2019
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Hot off the press
An enterprise-style Node.js REST API setup with Docker Compose, Express and Postgres: The why and how of enterprise-style Node.js application. A setup that’s easy to test and extend using battle-hardened technologies like Express.js, Postgres and Docker Compose to run locally.
See the GitHub repository here:
If you missed it
Enable CDN (Cloudflare) caching for your Netlify site: This post goes through how to reduce the amount of static assets served through Netlify by leveraging a CDN (Content Delivery Network) like Cloudflare.
Auto-publish future posts with JAMstack on Netlify and CircleCI 2.0 scheduled jobs: Static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, Gatsby or other JAMstack alternative are a great option to run your blog on.
Mocking/stubbing ES6 classes in tests with examples of Sequelize model unit tests: This post goes through some patterns that can be used to unit test ES6 classes.
Add days to a Date in vanilla JavaScript: Despite the JavaScript Date warts, it’s straightforward to add days to a date in JavaScript.
From the web
Why Are Enterprises So Slow?: a look at the processes that slow down enterprises by an experienced developer, long read but well worth it.
PostgreSQL’s Exciting features, you should know: the inevitable HackerNoon listicle :smiley_cat:
Redesigning Github repository page: how GitHub could improve their repository page 💅