Monorepos with Yarn Workspaces - Code with Hugo - Aug 6th 2019
Hot off the press
Yarn Workspaces: monorepo management without Lerna for applications and coding examples: How to use Yarn Workspaces to manage applications/coding examples.
Started work on a widget: “SponsorCost” available on I’m scratching my own itch, I keep having to Google for reasonable prices for sponsorship, so that’s that.
I’ve also launched a public Site Sponsorship Page you can get your business/project on the homepage.
If you missed it
Avoiding recursion pitfalls: MongoDB nested query clause addition and removal: A case-study on where recursion can be useful for enterprise Node.js applications and how to avoid its common pitfalls like RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.
Jest Full and Partial Mock/Spy of CommonJS and ES6 Module Imports: The example repository is available at
Add Search to a Hugo site with Lunr.js and Node.js: Hugo “The world’s fastest framework for building websites” is a great option for JAMStack (JavaScript, APIs, prebuild Markup) sites.
An enterprise-style Node.js REST API setup with Docker Compose, Express and Postgres: The why and how of enterprise-style Node.js application.
From the web
In the Defense of Spaghetti Code: Have you ever seen a function that spans 1500 lines of code?
The CSS background-image property as an anti-pattern by : For more tools, technologies, and techniques, check out the podcast! Many of us have cut our teeth using the CSS background-image property to do a wide variety of things. To many, it’s like an old friend, but it’s one we should consider saying goodbye to.
Composing better emails by Lazarus Lazaridis: Email communication is not my favorite but since I can’t avoid it, I am trying to compose messages in a way that I think it makes it easier for both me and the recipient: to quickly address what is being communicated avoid misunderstandings save time Here are some tips.
Superhuman’s Superficial Privacy Fixes Do Not Prevent It From Spying on You: Last week was a good week for privacy. Or was it? It took an article I almost didn’t publish and tens of thousands of people saying they were creeped out, but Superhuman admitted they were wrong and reduced the danger that their surveillance pixels introduce.