Mocking CommonJS/ESM Imports with Jest - Code with Hugo - Jul 16th 2019
Hot off the press - (Work in Progress) JavaScript import/require module testing do's and don'ts with Jest
If you missed it
Jest exclude file/function/statement from test coverage: In computer science, test coverage is a measure used to describe the degree to which the source code of a program is executed when a particular test suite runs.
Avoiding recursion pitfalls: MongoDB nested query clause addition and removal: A case-study on where recursion can be useful for enterprise Node.js applications and how to avoid its common pitfalls like RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.
Add Search to a Hugo site with Lunr.js and Node.js: Hugo “The world’s fastest framework for building websites” is a great option for JAMStack (JavaScript, APIs, prebuild Markup) sites.
An enterprise-style Node.js REST API setup with Docker Compose, Express and Postgres: The why and how of enterprise-style Node.js application.
From the web
Race Conditions in JavaScript Apps by Thai Pangsakulyanont | JSConf.Asia 20 by JSConf: "During an 'await' anything could happen." ... It’s easy to create race conditions in JavaScript if you’re not careful. This talk is about dealing with common kinds of race conditions based on my experience working on a real-time collaborative app.Thai is a front-end architect at Taskworld. He
Developers don't understand CORS by Chris Foster: One of the best things about working in full stack consulting is that I get to work with a great number of developers with different skill levels in companies from various sizes and industries. This provides an opportunity to see what universal struggles come up.
A problem worse than Zoom: On macOS, an app can register to handle URL schemes. Web browsers such as Safari, Chrome, and Firefox register to handle the schemes for web pages, http or https.