Jest Sequential Tests - Code with Hugo - Sep 3rd 2019
Hot off the press
How to run Jest tests sequentially: By default Jest runs tests in parallel with a “a worker pool of child processes that run tests” (Jest CLI docs).
Recent work to leverage Hugo's asset pipeline for both resource bundling and image resizing has been successful. The outcomes are documented in the following thread, should now be snappier and less data-hungry (no 1500x1500 images used as thumbnails any more):
I've also bundled up a Simple Analytics (yes that's a referral link, try it out) to Telegram bot, as a Netlify Function that leverages in a Gist:
Expect a post to follow soon.
If you missed it
Detect if the current file/module is the entrypoint or import/require-d in Node.js: How does one identify whether a JavaScript file is being run directly (node file.js) or it’s being import/require-d (require('./file') in another JS file).
An enterprise-style Node.js REST API setup with Docker Compose, Express and Postgres: The why and how of enterprise-style Node.js application.
Yarn Workspaces: monorepo management without Lerna for applications and coding examples: How to use Yarn Workspaces to manage applications/coding examples.
Jest Full and Partial Mock/Spy of CommonJS and ES6 Module Imports: The example repository is available at
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