Jest Partial Array Object Match - Code with Hugo - Oct 29th 2019
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Jest Array/Object partial match with objectContaining and arrayContaining: It’s possible to do partial matches on Arrays and Objects in Jest using expect.objectContaining and expect.arrayContaining.
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Jest explicitly or arbitrarily force fail() a test: When testing code with Jest, it can sometimes be useful to fail a test arbitrarily.
How to run, ignore or skip Jest tests, suites and files: When debugging or writing units tests with Jest it can be useful to specify a single file or test to run or to exclude a specific failing test for the Jest run.
Record analytics events with a Zeit "micro" + SQLite3 Node.js application: In order to finally switch off Google Analytics, I need to replace my goal conversion tracking somehow.
Super-powered newsletter content with Pocket and Netlify Lambda: An example Netlify Lambda to fetch all “newsletter” posts from Pocket.
From the web
Can I store the .git folder outside the files I want tracked? by Rory: I have an unusual idea to use git as a backup system. So let's say I have a directory ./backup/myfiles and I want to back that up using git. To keep things clean I don't want to have a .git directory in the myfiles folder, so I thought I could create ./backup/git_repos/myfiles.
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SSH Port | SSH.COM: The default SSH port is 22. It is not a coincidence. This is a story of how it got that port. When I (Tatu Ylonen first published this story in April 2017, it went viral and got about 120,000 readers in three days.